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YOURSAY ‘Only the devil is the advocate of violence and killing.’

'This is what happens when you insult the Prophet'

Sali Tambap: There is some truth in what Perkasa chief Ibrahim Ali said. Passionate religious adherents would take to extreme action in defending their religion from perceived threat and insult.

But what this shows us is that Western countries like France and others where there is freedom of expression are not suitable for religious extremists to live in. More so, these were with immigrant backgrounds and they had chosen to come to France knowing that the culture and ways of life there could be radically different from theirs.

These Muslims should adapt to the host country and live accordingly to its constitution. It was a tragedy that lives should be lost over spiritual belief; it should not have come to that whatever was the provocation. In that respect, their action has to be condemned unconditionally.

Malaccan: Charlie Hebdo can happen anywhere as long as instigators and extremists are allowed to run free and loud. It can happen in Malaysia if extremists are allowed and even encouraged by authorities but it cannot happen if a moderate and rational society is nurtured to act and behave according to natural decency.

The best defence against another Charlie Hebdo are moderates who speak out and peace-loving people who do not tolerate and act against these foul mistakes of nature. The violence on Charlie Hebdo is an aberrant act perpetrated by men believing in aberrant teaching, spurred on by aberrant values.

It took root from the seeds planted in milder words and thoughts which were unchecked. Malaysia will be well served to take notice and learn.

Gunnerrun: Only the devil is the advocate of violence and killing. If God wants it other than love, than we would not have been born in this "school" just to learn what it is to love your partner, family, friends, community, people and the lesser beings, like animals are.

Even the love for our enemies which are almost always planted in our midst. The world is covered with vibrations, love gives out positive vibrations but not hatred. When you feel hatred and want to kill, it gives out very low and negative vibrations, and that is definitely not what goodness and love is all about.

In the case of the Charlie Hebdo murders, definitely it was not for the love of God, for He would not want such a heinous act, which is against the very grain of creation in the first place and therefore against life in itself as such.

There is no justification for an act of killing. All religions forbid it. It only happens because we are given free will and freedom to act in this life, and if this is what we choose, so be it. But for everything that is done, there is "proportionate retribution" and this will be dispensed in afterlife.

God is all powerful, the notion and belief that an act that takes or destroys lives that He has created will help cleanse and revenge His name is absurd in the most absolute sense.

Hplooi: Note that the Imam of the Grand Mosque of France sued Charlie Hebdo on the basis of racism (i.e. equating Muslim with terrorism and racial profiling of the worst kind in their cartoon, not insulting the religion.

France has a strong tradition of political satire (Voltaire has his run­-ins with the authorities and various religious groups ­ and no, not the musulman [Muslims] during his century).

Charlie may be bête et mechant (stupid and vicious) but the only argument against them would be racial profiling (which fuels the extreme right wing in the European Union).

The 'sensitivity' promoted by the Umno fascists is the same extreme worldview of Wahhabism which brooks no dialogue (or quarters given) to others who disagree with them. Note their constant rejoinder of "sensitivities" and insulting the religion.

Notwithstanding, Charlie Hebdo is now a worldwide phenomenon.

While their brand of satire may be somewhat crude (especially for those with extreme sensitivities), nevertheless I find them hilarious in the irreverent genre of Mad magazine (as I remembered it) of the 1980s

­100 lashes of the whip if you don't die of laughter.

Baiyuensheng: If insults or provocations lead to justified killings, then there is no end. Like one blogger said, if that is the case, then provocative dressings lead to justified rapes ­so rapists go free as it is not their fault.

Oh I forgot, this is the same argument used by the religious extremists.

So you can see how their perverted minds work.

CYLee: Freedom of expression is not a passport for Charlie Hebdo to throw insult at anybody. Some people argue that if anybody insult you, you can only insult him back. If that is the case, people will be busy insulting one another and nothing else can be achieved.

Let's also have the "freedom to kill" so that we do not have to crack our heads arguing who is right and who is wrong.

If we can agree to have the freedom to insult like what Charlie Hebdo has been doing, why can't we agree to have the freedom to kill? What's the difference? Both will hurt but while death can be instant, an insult cuts deeper and hurts longer.

Pakatan­Ku: CYLee, apparently you appear to be a Muslim or at best a Taliban closet supporter. In Europe, satire is an art but it may be rude and offensive for you.

Charlie Hebdo has been making satires not only on Islam but also the Christians, politicians and other religions. To argue that just because Charlie Hebdo has insulted Islam, the Muslims "have the right to kill" can only come from a sick and deranged mind.

In law, there is something called "proportionate response", meaning if you slap me and I will slap you back. In a civilised world, "we learn to agree to disagree agreeably".

The issue is why the followers of other religions nowadays do not respond the way Muslims do. This barbaric behaviour has no place in this modern and civilised world. Terrorists like Boko Haram, Taliban, Islamic State and even Abu Sayyaf have done a great disservice to the good name of Islam.

It’s time for level-­headed God-­fearing moderate Muslims to speak up and act against these scums of the Earth.

Odysseus: Charlie Hedbo has been brought to court by those who felt offended. Somehow, the group that CYLee associate him/herself with, thinks guns and bullets are the solution. CYLee, grow up. The world does not owe you and your kind a living.

WDA: Ibrahim Ali, is there anything in the Quran that say that you should kill those who insult the Prophet? I don't think so because I keep hearing Islam is a religion of peace.

Jesus is insulted in the popular space all the time but you do not see such a violent reaction. In 2007, comedian Kathy Griffin made insulting Jesus jokes during her speech after winning an Emmy award.

Although heavily criticised, nobody put a bounty for her head. I know the Bible doesn't say that you should harm those who insult Jesus or Christianity. The usual Christian reaction would be to pray for them.

Bamboo: So Ibrahim Ali says the killings in Paris was justified as Islam was insulted. What about Ibrahim Ali insulting Christians by threatening to burn bibles? So Christians are justified to go after Ibrahim Ali's head?

This warped logic among the Muslims who carried out such heinous killings have given a bad name to Islam. Ibrahim Ali's conduct as hired gun to fan up racist fire too gives a bad name to Islam.

An eye for an eye, and the world will be blind

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