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YOURSAY ‘Most voters could not care less if it survives or is de-registered.’


MIC 'sec-gen' on hunger strike 'until last breath'

Anonymous_1421406986: Why must the MIC secretary-general G Kumar Aaman be offended by Registrar of Societies’ (ROS) instructions for MIC to hold fresh elections for its three vice-presidents and Central Working Committee (CWC) members?


The call for fresh election was based on complaints filed by MIC branch leaders with ROS. So why blame ROS?


It is the secretary-general's responsibility to fulfill the requirement since ROS has already closed the door for further negotiation.


And if it is true an MIC man had walked into an ROS office with a briefcase stacked with money, the door will now be tightly secured.


I am truly baffled by the immature attitude of the MIC secretary-general and my guess is that he wants to save his post, but on the other hand is he not even an elected member of the CWC or a favoured appointment by the party president?


Gerard Lourdesamy: Justice will be done when the MIC holds fresh elections as demanded by the ROS.


Why sully the great name of Mahatma Gandhi when the MIC's obstinate and recalcitrant behaviour is against the law and simply designed to prolong the president's hold on power?


If the CWC itself has been declared to be illegal by the ROS owing to serious irregularities in the conduct of the party polls, what legitimate power does the president have to appoint CWC members?


Anyway, both groups are fighting over a carcass. The average Indian voter has deserted the MIC and could not care less if it survives or is de-registered. This is nothing but the battle of the vultures.


Ranjita Kaur Whitemoon: Kumar, before this entire ROS ordeal, the public have never heard of your name or seen your face. Suddenly when your position is threatened, you talked about championing Indian rights?


Do you think Malaysians are that stupid to buy your bulls**t? Please be honest and admit that you are there dying for greed and power.


Please speak for yourself and don't embarrass the entire Malaysian Indian community with your low-class drama.


Furthermore, please do not tarnish the reputable name of Gandhi, for your action is nothing but a disgrace to your ancestors and your entire race.


Anonymous #559621516: Anyway MIC deputy president Dr S Subramaniam, who are you to say that fasting is bad culture.


Gandhi achieved a lot through fasting and even Hindraf’s P Waythamoorthy brought PM Najib Razak to his knees and Najib had to beg forgiveness from the Indian community before 2013.


Of course, later Najib betrayed the community and Waytha had to resign.


WDA: Kumar, your decision to ‘fast to your death’ is embarrassing and it is making a laughing stock of the entire Indian community.


If you seriously think you can demand for anything just because you threaten to kill yourself, maybe you should ask Najib to step down so that MIC president G Palanivel can take over, and then appoint you the humour minister.


Think Right: I am an Indian and you don't need to die on my behalf. You leaders in the MIC have done nothing for the Indians, except to take care of your cronies.


You still will never get my vote as MIC is just as irrelevant as your Chinese counterpart MCA is. Better go find better employment before the next GE.



DAP MP offers 'chapati' treat over hunger strike


Wg321: DAP leader Lim Lip Eng, who said hunger strike does not work? Look at that Hindraf man, Waythamoothy.


After on a hunger strike for about a month, he became the deputy minister in the Prime Minister’s Department. Don't look down on Kumar. I think you are going to lose your capati.


Mushiro: Does Kumar really believe that his hunger strike till death will make the ROS director-general be removed?


He does not understand politics and he does not understand ‘ketuanan’.


Anti Korap: For sake of democracy, leave it to MIC to decide for itself, otherwise this would be seen as a move by the government of the day interfering with the decision of party.


The only remedy is for all to agree to have democratic rules embedded in the articles of political parties so that no individual can be the king.


ROS can start by having a mandatory standard rules to be adopted by all political parties to avoid giving ROS additional work.


MYComment: I'll supply the curry for the capati.

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