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Dr M, you mean if BN wins all will be covered up?

YOURSAY ‘The statement is so revealing. It's critical that good governance is re-established.’

Dr M: Is Jho Low part of the gov't?


Hbasill: For me, Jho Low is a smart individual whose business is to cut deals with anybody, be it individuals/corporations/governments, for a handsome profit.


He is a Smart Alec who has so far made tonnes of money due to the lack of intelligence or ethics of others. Don’t blame Jho Low for outsmarting others, even if it means colluding with politicians. The onus is on those dealing with him, not the other way round.


Sorry, this may not sound nice to many. Shouldn’t the guilty pay the price? Or does former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad think only those he thinks should be charged should pay the price?


There is no such thing as ‘chaos’ when the guilty are charged and punished. The Malaysian public will be elated if the crooked and guilty are brought to book. The country will prosper when these people are charged for crimes and misappropriation.


Kheng "But what I fear most (is when) the opposition wins and we lose, they will spare no quarter. They will dig everything out. When they dig, people may be charged in court and may be found guilty."


These two sentences summarise it all. If at all Mahathir is sincere about getting the truth behind 1MDB and on several issues he has voiced out vigorously the past months, and purportedly for the well-being of the country, why fear the opposition will spare no quarter to get to the truth of the problems if it comes to power?


How Sad: The statement is so revealing. It's critical that good governance is re-established. It's not okay to sweep the problem under the carpet and not to hold people accountable so long as Najib steps down and Umno retains power.


There is so much wrong with that thinking and for that to come from an elder statesman, speaks volumes about transparency, accountability and good governance.


APA INI?: He "fears most" that if the opposition wins, "they'll dig everything out" and "A lot of people will have to pay a big price" - and so they should.


Don't fear this, Mahathir, It's called "justice". And we'll not ask for blood, just for the return of money and property (she can keep her Birkin bags) stolen so we can reconstruct for the future.


Onlooker: So, Mahathir seems to be suggesting that Najib should step down so that the cover-up can continue, figures can be adjusted so no money will apparently be lost, Umno will rule forever, nobody will be caught and nobody will go to jail? So all will be well in ‘lala land’.


Wira: Mahathir, if you want to ask who Jho Low is, you had better also answer why (during your time) Eric Chia was so powerful when he also wasn't a civil servant then, but merely an appointee of yours to run Perwaja.


Fair Play: At the rate Mahathir is launching his broadsides, even the most ardent of the PM’s supporters will lose their resolve, sooner rather later. Why? Because nobody wants to be identified when the shit hits the fan.


Bamboo: Looks like Mahathir’s biggest worry is not the well-being of the country but the fate of BN politicians if Pakatan takes over the federal government.

That's natural, for they have plundered the country dry. They swim or sink together. BN's days are numbered. Only then will we be truly ‘merdeka’ from the tuan.


HERO325: during his time, when former prime minister Tunku Abdul Rahman attacked him, Mahathir refused to talk to Tunku. Now he keeps attacking Prime Minister Najib and the government. He demands his words be obeyed. What the hell is this?


Just reappoint Mahathir as prime minister now, and let his son take over soon after that, then everything will be okay. Malaysia will achieve vision 2020 by next year, 2016.


Malaytoo: So he's saying if the opposition wins, they will dig out everything and people will be found guilty in court. What is the problem with that? Does Mahathir want those guilty robbing the nation to go scot-free? Does Mahathir really have the interest of the rakyat in mind?


Anonymous_1428804702: In 2002 Mahathir announced his retirement at the Umno annual conference. Mahathir was ahead politically, he had survived the onslaught of Reformasi by winning the 1999 GE, the economy was recovering nicely following the Asian financial crisis and Umno was purged but consolidated.


He knew to retire while he was ahead, he wanted his legacies preserved. Thirteen years on, he finds the country in tatters, its economy pillaged, his political influence and power becoming irrelevant and his legacies threatened. Only this time not by Anwar or opposition, but by the very Umno he thought would protect him.


I commented in 2002 that "it ain’t over until the fat lady sings". Little did I realise that my prescient parody is now proving literally true for Mahathir and Najib.


OH YA?: Najib is just a fast learner. Who was VK Lingam, who could wine and dine top judges and influence judicial appointments? Was he part of the Mahathir administration then? Was he the de facto AG?


"Really independent commission"? Does he mean to say that all past commissions have been fakes, especially the "inquiry" on Project M, which dares not even call itself RCI?


If Mahathir wants one, he should allow it to investigate 57 years of scandals and mismanagement since independence and pinpoint who is the grandmaster of them all.


In particular, who is the mastermind of the May 13 tragedy, which many believe is a plot by some unscrupulous politicians to grab power from Tunku.


888: Why doesn't the old fox demand an independent commission into the bailing out of his son to the tune of billions, among other things?


Why doesn't the old fox also call for a commission on why this country is so backward, compared to Singapore?


He pushed out good old Pak Lah, and he is now pushing Najib, both his once "approved" successors. Lee Kwan Yew helped his successor to succeed, while old fox is just the opposite. This is perhaps why we are where we are, and Singapore is where it is.


Malaysia is doomed!: Mahathir, please speak on our behalf. Please get rid of Najib before he bankrupts the nation.

To the rest of those who are pro-Najib, you better think a bit more and ask yourself what actually Najib has done, except to spend and spend and spend some more of our rakyat's money and worse, incur more and more and more debt which the silly rakyat has to bear.


Mushiro: A "totally independent commission” to probe the 1MDB scandal or the Altantuya murder, as demanded by Mahathir, will immediately expose Najib.


That was why at the Q&A on TV3, Najib kept saying that the auditor-general will audit 1MDB and the report will be handed to the Public Accounts Committee (PAC), another BN-controlled body.


Najib kept insisting that the PAC also consisted of the opposition members but he did not say that the opposition members in the PAC are in the minority. So Najib tried to deceive his audience and as usual he was not sincere about arriving at the truth.


Pputeh: This is one time I am with Mahathir. Truly he cares for the people and nation. He built Malaysia to what it is today (with some wrongs though) so surely he does not want this nation to go down the drain.


Najib what have you to fear? Open up and have an independent probe. This must be done as it’s the rakyat’s money.


Fair&Just: Does Mahathir mean that if the opposition does not win in next GE, all of 1MDB’s dirt will be covered up?

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