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Sabah MP voted for GST ignorant of its impact

YOURSAY ‘If you as MP feels the pinch, what about the average wage earner?’


MP laments GST after voting for it

Lamborghini: BN Sepanggar MP Jumat Idris, if you as an MP who has a good income and many other privileges can feel the pinch, what about the average wage earner and the daily paid worker?


How is it you don't feel and understand the rakyat's difficulties and struggles even though you have been a ‘wakil rakyat’ for so long?


How was it that you could be persuaded that the GST would not hurt the rakyat when it’s clear as day that the most affected people are those who are already struggling daily?


Repent first, then go and shout loudly in Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's ears and in the ears of your insensitive colleagues who voted for the GST bill.


Anonymous #07451242: This is the price you have to pay for voting blindly. You get free petrol, free car maintenance, free telephone calls, etc, which the ordinary rakyat doesn't get. Now when you have to pay on your own, you realise how difficult it is.


Keanjin: As an MP, Jumat voted in favour of the GST bill but did not understand the impact of GST? How can he be a parliamentarian?


Donplaypuks: Why go to a private hospital and not a government one where it's free and no GST?


Don't Crucify My Birth Country: I think it is not right to push Jumat to bring his sick son to a public hospital. We should be sympathetic to his misfortune. Getting the best medical attention and facilities for his boy is understandable - it’s what any father would do.


It appears his son has a serious illness. Let us not mock him because he may not be too well versed with GST. How many are? Any law, no matter how well-presented, will always have winners and losers.


Dont Just Talk: What is there to complain now except to be a man and pay the extra RM1,200 added to his son's medical bill, which he can easily afford as a BN MP.


Kang Kong King: Jumat, you are okay. Your income is good.


My driver went to repair his motorcycle. The bill was RM350, his GST was RM21. He complained that the low income group is being burdened. His RM21 could have paid his daughter's milk for a week.


I told him that is the way the government is thanking him for votes. He is from Felda. This is what he said - my dad and the whole family will never ever vote BN again. Thank you, Deputy Finance Minister Ahmad Maslan and Najib, for the GST. It’s a blessing in disguise.


Jonah2: Jumat, draft a Private Member’s Bill to repeal the GST. Your son is suffering. Don’t let other people's children suffer too.


Anonymous #12566075: One can only draw the following conclusions from Jumat’s comments on the GST:


1) He is completely ignorant on the impact of GST on the common people.


2) He is a hypocrite politician by saying one thing and doing the opposite.


These warrant his disqualification as MP. If Malaysians were to continue voting this kind of person into Parliament, Malaysia will surely go down the drain.


Anonymous_1425871172: That's the problem with most MPs in BN. They just vote because they have to follow orders from their leaders.


You have to start wearing the rakyat's hat as they voted for you. Next time use your own judgement (if you have one) before casting your vote in Parliament.


Aryan: Medical insurance doesn't cover pre-existing medical conditions or congenital deformities or conditions. The medical insurance industry needs to be reformed. You can start by asking for the National Health Insurance scheme to be revived by the Health Ministry.


EmEmKay: I am a senior citizen and GST is hitting me below the belt. People like who don't pay income tax are now forced to pay GST. Soon, I have to break my nest egg to pay for this new tax.


Real Truth: The MP is lamenting that when one is hospitalised and needs expensive treatment, GST still has to paid. Indeed, people who are aged and need treatment must be exempted from GST.


Onlooker: The unkindest cut of all is the fact that six percent GST is also imposed on the premium for medical insurance.


So even if you are trying to mitigate the pain of a large bill for hospitalisation, they've got you twice - once when you pay the premium and again when the bill comes out.


Will the insurance company absorb the extra cost of the GST, or will they increase the premium to cover it?


Hplooi: If you have a serious health issue which needs urgent attention, try going to the general hospital. When you have a life-threatening situation and/or require specialist care, you might not have a choice, especially those who work in the private sector.


Affordable and reasonable quality healthcare is increasingly beyond the reach of the average Malaysian.


The university medical centres are the hospital of choice for many who cannot afford private healthcare.


But the government has recently downgraded funding to public health care, especially to these medical centres. So the average citizen now cannot afford to fall sick.


Versey: This shows that those MPs who voted in favour of GST are simply selfish, thoughtless and heartless. They never consider the voice of the general public made through the opposition parties and social activists.


The extra RM1,200 or even more is peanuts to these people, especially those with unscrupulous side incomes, and don't forget RM1,200 is just a hairdo for the PM's darling wife.


Those MPs who voted in favour of GST are totally out of touch with the ordinary folks and the low-income group, especially those with big families of young children and elderly parents to take care of.


NuckinFuts: Welcome to the taxpayers' club. This MP can now learn to be angry like the rest of Malaysia when he sees taxpayers’ money squandered on things like luxury jets, etc.


Takung: Didn't he just get a pay rise?

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