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Just when one loses faith, an ex-judge turns up

YOURSAY ‘It gives rakyat hope that our nation’s decline can be arrested.’


Former judge Syed Ahmad Idid joins G25

Sadirah: Here is another towering Malaysian who for the sake of his nation and the judiciary became a whistleblower.


Former High Court judge Syed Ahmad Idid Syed Abdullah has paid a heavy price, and by joining G25 adds to their strength.


Apa Ini?: Just when one loses faith in justice and the judiciary, one turns up to say there are those who care and will do the right thing for a better Malaysia. Thank you, Syed Ahmad Idid.


Monty: Fifty-three members in the Group of 25 (G25) is good. But where are thousands of others who must feel the same?


Where are the military generals and former inspectors-general of police (IGPs) who must now know that the country is going down the drain?


Are they so financially well-off and established that they have lost their conscience? Or will they only wake up when the country is plunged into political and economic nightmare?


Wake up before it is too late and help stabilise the country.


Haveagreatday: It is a good feeling to know that more prominent Malaysians with the best interests of our nation at heart are speaking out against the institutionalised racism and extremism propagated by the government of the day.


It gives us rakyat hope that the decline of our nation can be arrested; the cronyism and corruption in public office that has dominated our national agenda for 40 plus years can be reversed.


Anonymous_4056: All praise to God for these men and women who join the G25 group. At last, we could see light at the end of the tunnel. Indeed, there are righteous Malays right here in Malaysia.


The mere mention of Malays among non-Malays means ‘makan orang punya bangsa’. This extremely bad impression is brought about by Umno policies. We must salute these brave members of G25 who wanted to see a better nation for all Malaysians.


Shanandoah: These eminent people are all Malays who have lived off taxpayers’ money in their various occupations.


Now retired and useless to society, they claim to be eminent for wanting to be recognised as such. They became eminent on the strength of race and religion and as a privileged class against other towering Malaysians in the country.


Behsaikong: Certainly all views and comments can and should be published in this space. That is how democracy works. But all comments invite other comments as well and no comment is exempt from critical evaluation.


In this spirit, I say Shanandoah's comment may well be popular but nonetheless shallow and showing little appreciation of what top civil service and judicial officials in this and many other countries face during active service.


Many of us appreciate what these former top public servants are now doing when they are free to do so. Without what these prominent retirees from public service have initiated, much of many Malaysians' concerns will not be as forcefully and lucidly aired.


In time to come, history will prove that the G25 group has served us very well indeed. Ribuan terima kasih.


Anonymous_1423808262: The G25 are a group of prominent retirees. Probably too old for the hustle and bustle of Malaysians politics but as a cohesive group, useful enough to counterbalance the advance of the religious and racial extremists in our midst.


It's good of them to form a collective voice to fight for good. They could very well enjoy their comfortable retirements but they didn't. Thank you, G25.


Jesse: From the 1980s when the agenda for a better Malaysia was hijacked by Dr Mahathir Mohamad and his cohorts, I realised that eventually the battle will be among Malays themselves. The other races were being slowly sidelined, and will play only a minor role.


How true it turns out in the contemporary scene between the greedy and corrupt on the one hand and other Malays who now see the light and the ruinous path being taken.


As more corrupt practices are revealed, the worse Umno Baru has become by enacting all sort of laws to curb freedom of expression and assembly.


It is not just the PM. It is the whole Umno Baru organisation that must fall because no one within that body is able or brave enough to do much.


The leaders seem to have dirt on each other simply because they have been sharing the loot.


Mushiro: I only hope G25 can be half as aggressive as Mahathir. It is just not working so far and the country is in dire straits now.


What's New: What is the point of having a high-sounding grouping called G25, when this 'dignified' set-up was appallingly silent with the suspected corruption in 1MDB.


We do not even hear a word of disgust from these noblemen, when the former and present CEOs defied the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and arrogantly absented themselves when called before the board to answer queries of mismanagement on 1MDB.


Malaysians do not need paper tigers.

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