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Anwar enlists new recruits for 'great struggle'
Published:  Jul 22, 2015 11:28 AM
Updated: 8:24 AM

Former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim has announced the formation of a "strengthened coalition", which will include PAS' splinter group Gerakan Harapan Baru.

"We are working towards a strengthened coalition and will work with all progressive movements including NGOs such as Bersih, Abim, Ikram and newly formed Gerakan Harapan Baru.

"This coming together of a wide range of groups committed to reform and change will offer a genuine democratic and just alternative to the rakyat.

"Let us all put aside all other considerations and differences, and focus upon this great struggle to save Malaysia," he said in a message delivered by his lawyers yesterday.

Anwar's endorsement for Gerakan Harapan Baru, comes as the group of ousted PAS progressive leaders begin efforts to set up a new progressive Islamist party.

The PKR de facto leader, who is serving a five-year prison sentence, said the country continues in a state of worsening crisis and the BN government remains in denial.

"The value of the ringgit is plummeting, while corruption and financial scandals have reached levels unprecedented since Merdeka.

"At this crucial time, Malaysians must come together, united and resolved, to save our country," Anwar added.