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Disqualify bid from Zahid's brother, gov’t urged
Published:  Aug 12, 2015 10:16 AM
Updated: 12:34 PM

The Home Ministry must disqualify the bid by Deputy Prime Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi's brother, Abdul Hakim Hamidi, for a system to manage the 1.5 million Bangladeshi workers Malaysia plans to bring in, a DAP lawmaker said.

Bukit Bendera MP Zairil Khir Johari said there is a clear conflict of interest.

"As his (Hakim’s) brother, Zahid is also the home minister and the ultimate approving authority for all foreign workers in our country. There is no denying the glaring element of conflict of interest involved.

"(The Home Ministry) must take Malaysians for fools if it thinks the obvious conflict of interest in this case can be simply glossed over by an assurance that it will evaluate the proposal by the home minister’s brother in a fair and objective manner," Zairil said in a statement today.

Yesterday, Malaysiakini reported that Hakim's company, Real Time Networking Sdn Bhd, aims to provide an online management system for Bangladeshi workers, at RM3,000 per person.

Zahid had given the Home Ministry a handwritten note to review the proposal.

However, the ministry in a statement yesterday said the note was not an instruction or approval, and have its assurance that Real Time Networking's bid would be evaluated fairly.

Meanwhile, Hakim rubbished claims of nepotism and lamented that Malaysians don't want him to do any business because his brother is a minister.

Zairil said this statement by Hakim smacked of ignorance.

"It also makes a mockery of public accountability. The fact is that Hakim can do as much business as he wants to.

"So long as it does not involve any government agency or department that any of his direct family members have an interest in," he said.

Zairil then urged Putrajaya to follow the Penang state government's example and forbid family members of elected representatives from conducting business with the state.

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