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Zeti, Bank Negara must exert independence

YOURSAY ‘When words and actions don't match, words are pointless.’

PM assures Bank Negara's independence

GE14Now!: Of course, for as long as all these institutions toe your line they will be 'independent'. Otherwise they will be independently thrown into jail, I suppose by the also very independent police force (or was it police farce).

Mr Zero Credibility, nothing that you say matters any more. By the way, you said you prized loyalty over intelligence, well you have them now, don't you? You have some really stupid ministers surrounding you.

RCZ: According to the PM, Bank Negara regulates monetary policies.

In other words, investigations into crime, billions going in and out of his personal account, money-laundering and breaches by banks are not, and cannot, be investigated?

Quigonbond: The PM is only half right. Bank Negara is not just regulating monetary policy. They are also tasked with going after money launderers.

Speaking Sense: When words and actions don't match, words are pointless and it is better for the country, the people and our international credibility if the PM would just shut up and focus on trying to salvage whatever is left of the economy and the multi-racial multi-religious make-up of the nation.

In short, do your job PM and stop wasting time trying to fool us with ridiculous stories and empty talk.

Restless: Bank Negara governor Zeti Akhtar Aziz had stated during her press conference that she would be arrested the minute she steps out of the door if she said anything not within the confines of the law. Here you are saying just the opposite, Najib.

Zeti, it looks like your boss has given you the green light to be transparent. We want to hear it from you.

You are the custodian to all the confidential information on the money trail from A to Z, you are equally liable for conspiracy, aider or abettor, whatever you call it.

Jaguh: Zeti, Najib won't come after you, but his lapdogs will.

Hot Khong: Najib's assurances are not worth much, he will flip-flop. There are many examples to quote but most readers would already know of a few.

Magnus: Commenter Jiminy Qrikert has scored all the points from me here by explaining succinctly that independence in Malaysia is not independence as we know it, but ‘inthepantsdance’.

That is a brilliant interpretation if you ask me because it explains much of the awesome mystery surrounding ‘independence’ in Malaysia.

Mob1900: When you have the head robber telling us the bank vault is safe, then you know we are in big trouble.

M'sia riskier than Mexico, UBS warns worse to come

Negarawan: The gloomy financial report from financial giant UBS represents another vote of no confidence in Najib and his administration.

GE14Now!: Weren't we just told by the PM that the country is in good shape? Well, the proof of the pudding is in the eating, and we have neutral parties out there saying that the country is going to hell in a hand basket.

The unfortunate thing is that those in power are in denial and those who support those in power are clutching at any and every desperate straw.

Telling us to not 'let the foreigners to keep on condemning' the country speaks volumes of the simpletons that are supporting this current donation-supported regime.

Dont Just Talk: Najib, it is time for you to reflect on your leadership and UBS’s adverse comment on Malaysia is not at all flattering, when we are compared worse than Mexico.

However, all those Umno Baru divisions which have received RM1 million from your ‘derma’ (donation) will still say that you are the best PM in the world and our economy has nothing to worry about.

Pemerhati: “The central bank may have to raise interest rates because of a limited ability to defend the currency amid falling reserves, (UBS London-based strategist Manik) Narain said.”

If this prediction comes true then all Malaysians who have borrowed money without fixed interest rates, such as the home buyers, will be further burdened (they are already burdened with the Goods and Services Tax) as their monthly instalments will go up due to the higher interest charges.

Onyourtoes: Why are you investment bankers only starting to talk now? When 1MDB issued those debts earlier, did you guys say anything?

Every one of you was promoting and profiting from it like crazy, thinking that there were high returns with no risk.

If you idiots were not buying it, I am sure those bigger idiots in 1MDB would not have issued so much debts.

This is all the collusion of greed and corruption by first world bankers with third tribal leaders.

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