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After brawl, Subra emerges as MIC president
Published:  Aug 21, 2015 7:39 PM
Updated: 11:51 AM

Health Minister Dr S Subramaniam has won the MIC president post uncontested, according to a news report.

The New Straits Times said this was announced by returning officer B Sagadevan to hundreds of supporters gathered outside the party headquarters in Kuala Lumpur.

Earlier, a brawl erupted during the MIC presidential nominations when supporters of former president G Palanivel were blocked from entering the venue.

It was reported that supporters of Subramaniam allegedly threw stones, plastic bottles and sticks at them.

This led to a shouting match and Palanivels's supporters retaliated by throwing the items back at those behind the MIC headquarters' gates, said NST.

This continued for about 15-minutes until MIC vice-president S Sothinathan managed to convince Palanivel’s supporters to leave.

MIC Youth member Vishnu Pradap was quoted as saying that "rocks as big as oranges" fell from above as they were walking.

"I was shocked and confused as to what was happening. The white rocks were as big as oranges," he said.

It was reported that Vishnu was seen after the incident with a bleeding cotton plaster between his eyebrows but he had no idea who attacked them.

The 68-year-old party split into two factions following differences in opinion between Palanivel and Subramaniam after the Registrar of Societies (ROS) issued a notice on Dec 5 last year requesting the party to hold re-elections.

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