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YOURSAY ‘DAP did not organise Bersih 4, so what is Syed Ali screaming about?’

'DAP underestimated Umno, did not expect Malays to rise'

Speechless: It's pathetic how Cheras Umno division leader Syed Ali Alhabshee can create an imaginary enemy, label it DAP, spew lies around this enemy and eventually end up believing in the very lies he created.

To tell a lie so emotionally suggests one is IQ and EQ deficient and completely lacking in grey matter and moral fibre, and the only thing left in this entity is raw irrational behaviour.

Tholu: How can the red shirt rally be a show of unity in upholding Malay dignity when rally participants were enticed to attend it with free transport and food (and perhaps even an allowance?).

These Malays would have been a dignified lot if they had freely volunteered to attend the rally, but unfortunately they had been for far too long dependent on Umno's alms that even to show their loyalty to it, they need to be financed and provided with facilities.

Mantra888: Syed Ali, please stop all your nonsense and act like a true Malaysian gentleman. No one underestimates Umno.

In fact, most Malaysians are astonished and bewildered how Umno could spend tons of money to bring busloads of men and women from the kampung and Felda areas to congregate in Kuala Lumpur and yet took pride in doing that.

Old Timer: The Malays have the government, the sultans, enforcement agencies, university quotas, the banks, the automobile industry, the big construction industry, housing subsidy (other races pay more so that they can have discounts even if the apartment cost over RM1 million), employment quotas (or else these companies can't tender for government jobs and the bumiputera here are not normally the Orang Asli or those living in the villages in Sabah or Sarawak), etc, etc.

So why does Syed Ali claim that Malays are being threatened? Literate, intelligent Malays are asking for explanations on how billions of ringgit can allegedly disappear from the country, allegations of vote-buying in elections and charges of corruption in the civil service.

DAP did not organise Bersih 4, so what is Syed Ali screaming about?

Kalvin Rekhraj: Is Syed Ali saying that Umno was behind the rally? If so, the inspector-general of police (IGP) should question and charge all Umno leaders for sedition for condoning racism.

Iiiizzzziiii: The most racist party of the day is Umno and yet they are always quick to point at others, such as DAP, accusing them of being racist.

The Malays have special privileges, New Economic Policy (NEP), etc, and after more than 50 years, where are the majority of Malays now? Are they better-off and more educated?

YF: Malays rising? Please do not defile the good name of the Malays. It is Umno leaders who sponsored the whole show using the rakyat's money again.

How can it ever be a Malay rising when it's nothing but a hired mob who when interviewed could not even give a clear answer on why they were there.

Syed Ali, we know you are stupid but please don't let your clueless Umno minions make you look even more stupid.

‘Abolishing vernacular schools won’t redeem Malay pride’

Haveagreatday: MCA Youth central committee member Quek Tai Seong is a small fry making the mandatory response in the face of such outright intimidation of the rights of the rakyat.

The other MCA leaders are wagging their tails under their political masters ' sarongs.

Lim Chong Leong: MCA, you have already failed us by your agreeing to disagree on the red shirt rally. Being a partner in BN, you should have prevented the rally from happening.

Lone_Star: Surely the minister of education, a member of Umno is aware that the multiracial student population in vernacular schools is higher than that of national schools. Or does he refuse to figure that out?

Pisasu 7: Sorry, these schools will stay because 95 percent of Chinese and Indians send their children there because they are discriminated against in national schools.

At least when they go to secondary school, they know their rights and cannot be bullied easily, plus they have picked up an additional language and a strong foundation in science.

Apapunboleh: After decades of privileges from the NEP but yet unable to uplift themselves, it is indeed disgraceful to blame others.

There is no pride in shouting racist and seditious slogans to protect Umno, which is actually the source of their problems.

Send In The Clowns: MCA, shut up. Where were you when the red shirts insulted the Chinese? You shameless people would stoop to the lowest to rush for the crumbs falling off from your political masters' table.

Anonyxyz: If Najib is the mother of all hypocrites, then MCA is the father.

At least the Umnoputras have a reason to hang on to Umno, but what reason is MCA existing for, other than being the mother of eunuchs and sycophants?

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