YOURSAY | ‘But will Najib listen to the decree from the Conference of Rulers?’
Rulers want 1MDB probe wrapped up, wrongdoers punished
The bone of contention is that this country has got no remedy and is completely helpless if a government headed by a PM has gone rogue.
That is more than apparent for all to see. There is no transparency, no accountability and no compulsion even to explain. All that remain are bare denials, cover-ups, more cover-ups, counter accusations, stalling for time as well as investigation.
Never mind that a scandal in the magnitude of 10 shakes the nation. Nobody can do nuts. That's the truth and locals as well as foreigners can see through it. It may be hazy but people are not blind.
As such it's not an anomaly (for the Conference of Rulers) to say "failure to give an explanation and satisfactory answers may cause a confidence crisis" or "as a result the rakyat believe, either as reality or perception, that it is one of the main reasons which influenced the ringgit's sharp downfall".
The rakyat can only weep if the rulers choose to face the other way. For in search of the truth, a royal commission of inquiry (RCI) is the only way. Daulat tuanku!
Evensteven: 1MDB aside, RM42 million from SRC International was also banked into one of PM Najib Razak's personal accounts.
The matter has already been fully investigated as, otherwise, how could the former attorney-general (AG) have allegedly prepared the draft charge sheet?
So what is the present AG, Mohamed Apandi Ali, waiting for?
Res Ipsa: We live in a constitutional monarchy where the rulers have very limited roles to play in the governance of the nation. It therefore makes one wonder whether the government will sit up and take note of the royal decree.
Abraham Lincoln would be turning in his grave to see the latest edition of the famous speech he delivered which in the Malaysian context reads “government of Najib, by Najib, for Najib”. That is the current state of our parliamentary democracy.
Ace: Indeed, what the rulers can do is very limited.
However, this decree is better than nothing. At this crucial juncture, former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad should be made to digest the fact that he was the one responsible for concentrating almost absolute power in the hands of the PM (by emasculating all the institutions that can provide check and balance).
He created this Frankenstein monster. We wonder if he is remorseful.
Wg321: Will Najib listen to the decree from Conference of Rulers? Definitely not.
He can just ignore them because he controlled the army, the police, the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC), Bank Negara, the Election Commission, the judiciary, the AG’s Chamber, the Treasury, the notorious Special Branch, Navy, Air Force, Rela, the paid 191 Umno warlords who worshipped him, the mullahs, the Sedition Act, the civil servants, Petronas which only reports to him, etc.
He can afford to ignore public opinion too. He is more powerful than the dictator of North Korea, Kim Jong-un. Just to quote Abdul Rahman Dahlan, Najib may tell the Conference of Rulers “don’t interfere in the internal affairs of Umno”.
Remember he said that he is the only prime minister in the world who played golf with United States President Barack Obama.
SWOT Strategist: A decree with words such as “as soon as possible”, “to be reported in full and transparently” and “with real and sincere cooperation” should serve to instill greater sense of urgency, but has no concrete timeline, just like a plain subtle advice with no legal empowerment to act or suspend immediately and forcibly challenge the culprits who are abusing the constitutional power and thus blatantly allowing them to play further delay, interfere, issue threats, regrouped and create diversions.
Bluemountains: Investigations into 1MDB may not necessary reveal the real state of affairs as hidden hands may interfere with the process.
The dismantling of the task force, the paralysing of the Public Accounts Committee and the harassment of MACC officers is a sign that someone is probably trying to sabotage the investigations.
The sultans must therefore try to take it one step further and that is ordering an RCI to deal with the matter so as to prevent hidden hands from interfering.
Oh Ya?: This 1MDB investigation saga already caused the AG's and the Special Branch deputy chief's jobs, the paralysis of the PAC, the detention of MACC officials, the transfer and sacking of other officials and of course, the persecution of those in the opposition dissidents.
Only the spineless IGP (inspector-general of police) is spared. Now that the Conference of Rulers is touching the ruling elite's nerve again, would they dare to apply the same medicine on the rulers too?
GE14NOW!: Can we humbly ask the rulers to please ensure that the investigations are all above board and totally independent, that there will be no sackings and transfers and intimidation of the sort that we have seen in recent times?
The ‘prime fund-raiser’ cannot be trusted not to interfere anymore.
Kingfisher: Any impression created both nationally and overseas that the current president of Umno and PM can exercise dictatorial measures to subvert the course of justice will set a dangerous precedent that these institutional positions are beyond the ambit of the national constitution.
The provisions in any political party's constitution that excludes its rules from the redress to grievance procedures on fundamental rights to a party member as provided for in the national constitution is of similar vein as it empowers the party with dictatorial powers.
Slumdog: With all due respect to the Conference of Rulers, why would Najib take any notice of them? They can’t do anything to him.
The Conference of Rulers can express their displeasure but are not able to take any action to curtail his activities. He will just continue on his merry way, lying to cover up his alleged crimes and buying loyalty from his ministers and Umno division heads.
Apa Nama: As usual, Najib will keep quiet. Remember, Najib is the most powerful man in this country, so do not expect him to issue any statement.
Maybe his propagandist like Abdul Rahman Dahlan, Salleh Said Keruak and AhmadMaslan will say out something but all these will be same as before. By the way, the Conference of Rulers’ statement is a bit late but it’s better than nothing.
Kawak: Bank Negara has completed their part of investigation under their jurisdiction and had submitted their findings to the new AG weeks ago. Why is the new AG sitting on the case?
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