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Group of Indian youths wants alcohol-free Deepavali
Published:  Nov 2, 2015 3:44 PM
Updated: 11:06 AM

A group of Indian youths wants Deepavali celebration this year to be alcohol-free.

United National Indian Teams of Youths (Gabungan Unity) has therefore launched a campaign to ensure that this becomes a reality.

The Alcohol-free Deepavali 2015 was launched to create awareness and educate the Indian community on the health consequences and financial wastes of alcohol consumption.

The coalition of NGOs said it is fighting to keep Deepavali alcohol-free because research has shown that Malaysian Indians spent about RM150 million during the festivities.

“Not only is money wasted but alcohol brings a lot of misery to families, such as broken families, shattered relationships and creating a dysfunctional family institution.

“The evil of alcohol is well-known and condemned by all religions.

“Therefore, we are campaigning for the Indian community to abstain from alcohol during the Festival of Lights,” said the group.

And support for the campaign has been pouring through Facebook, with thousands of likes.

Commenting on this, MIC Youth chief Sivarraajh Chandran ( photo ) said the numbers were encouraging.

"I have received positive feedback from non-Indians who appreciate our efforts. Our motive is simple. Why drink alcohol during an auspicious festival? Stay away from it as it does not bring any good.

"Deepavali is a religious and an auspicious festival. It is shameful to celebrate such an occasion with alcohol," Sivarraajh said.

Gabungan Unity is also holding a competition for Indians to record and upload a 60-second video of a greeting for an alcohol-free Deepavali on the community’s Facebook page.

Three friends should be tagged with the invitation for them to make a video of their own.

The winner of this competition will receive RM500 on the eve of Deepavali.