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Vaping with nicotine harmful no matter the race

YOURSAY | ‘Vaping with nicotine carries the same health hazard as smoking.’

'A million votes up in smoke if Najib doesn't stop vape raids'

Oh Ya?: The same group of morons had in the past accused the minority race of being unscrupulous and moral decay when it comes to making money.

Ironically, are they not in the same boat now? They don't care that vaping with nicotine carries the same health hazard as smoking cigarettes. And what about the wellbeing of the general public?

Other than the isolated mid-air scare incident, some inconsiderate vapers are already vaping away openly in non-smoking areas as the current regulations are inadequate to control it.

The Health Ministry is doing the right thing and the ruling elite should support it unreservedly and not allow its narrow political interest to take precedent.

Anonymous 560221439180274: Let’s get Pertubuhan Ikatan Usahawan Kecil dan Sederhana (Ikhlas) president Mohd Ridzuan Abdullah to sit in a confined room with several vape smokers.

Why must he represent just Malays engaged in selling vape products? What of an equal number of non-Malays who have also invested in the business?

What does Ridzuan know about the implications on public health and influence on young people, especially school-going children?

Did Ridzuan make a proper study before making his comments?

Anonymous 29051438068738: This is getting more and more peculiar. We can be assured that Umno is somehow involved - both in the supply chain and end-user market.

But first things first: what is the Islamic position on Muslim men and women languorously and vacuously blowing clouds of white vapour on street corners?

Could this practice (widely seen in 'high income' middle-eastern suburbs) be the string connecting the recipient of the RM2.6 billion 'gift' to his benefactor?

Is Dr Mahathir Mohamad's 'Islamic' Malaysia about to be a Saudi outpost? Ahhh, so many questions... blowing in the wind.

Proarte: Nicotine is an addictive drug. Why are Muslim groups promoting drug addiction?

P Dev Anand Pillai: It is simple: there is a lot of money in it and the big players in the said industry will usually be giving a lot of it to the political masters here in return for continued space to dominate the vape industry.

That is why the chosen ones from the chosen party and their ilk are up in arms.

Justine Gow: Yes, the raids must have hit someone's pocket real hard. That was why Ikhlas leader Ridzuan appeared in public flanked by two comical-looking men wearing red beret caps.

I wonder if those comical characters carried long poles this time, like they did when they last appeared after the Bersih 4 rally.

Vent: Having been vanquished over his threatened take-over of Petaling Street, Ridzuan flanked by Majlis Jalinan Muhibah Malaysia (MJMM) president ‘Captain’ Abdul Rani Kulup and his ragtag mug-faced army, is now championing vape users.

Whether or not vaping is less hazardous than smoking doesn't seem to interest him at all. I guess he thinks this will score him brownie points, and if he does he is clearly delusional like the rest of his Umno compatriots.

What is a million compared to the millions more who will certainly not vote for Najib? This man cannot do the math.

And pray how will this issue 'tarnish the government's presently good name' when it is particularly rotten at this time and has already gone up in smoke … I mean vapour?

Anonymous_1372741039: There must be one rule for all. The government must ensure that what applies to the cigarette industry must be applied to vape as well.

Otherwise, there will be an uproar. Maybe the government should consider closing the cigarette industry if it is really concerned about the health of its citizens.

Hamzah Paiman: On this, we support Najib. In fact, Najib would get more votes if he banned vape because it shows that he is concerned about public health and safety.

Ridzuan is a nuisance to public safety and wellbeing. The police should act against him immediately.

Vijay47: This latest threat reflects the reality of what politics in Malaysia is about.

It looks like with all the numerous crimes going on, the only thing that will make Umno lose support is this vape issue. 1MDB, you are safe. Thanks to that clown with the crazy red beret.

Incidentally, readers must not be too impressed with the group's use of the number 'a million' voters.

It was employed simply in the figurative sense since these Standard Six drop-outs can count only up to 53, the smarter ones up to 64.

PMO: Why not legalise ‘stealing’ to get more votes? After all, the RM2.6 billion in PM’s bank accounts is seen as a clear example.

Not Convinced: Death for drug traffickers, but protection for vape industry.

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