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COMMENT Dear Tuan Amini Amir Abdullah,

Dengan nama Allah yang Maha Pemurah lagi Maha Penyayang. Segala puji-pujian bagi Allah s.w.t. dan selawat ke atas Rasulullah s.a.w. serta keluarga dan sahabat-sahabat Baginda.

Saudara saudari sekalian, salam sejahtera saya ucapkan, semoga kalian semua berada di bawah lindungan Allah hendaknya.

I would like to express my worry and sadness when I see the situation the Malay people have put themselves in today. What I see in front of my eyes - the Malays are split on politics and ideology, which has caused a rift within us Malays. This infighting has caused several splinter groups to act on its own accord to quarrel with the other races.

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