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In wake of Cologne, German’s generosity severely tested

YOURSAY | ‘The milk of human kindness that has flowed in Germany will soon turn sour.’

Mass sexual assault in Cologne - what we know and what we don't

SteveOh: The Cologne police chief Wolfgang Albers, 60, has been suspended to “restore public confidence in the police”.

More and more women are coming out and reporting crimes against property and sexual offences. One woman stripped herself naked in public in protest, declaring no one has the right to violate women even if they were naked.

I doubt Western liberal democracies know how to manage the problem of intrusive mass migration. One million and one hundred thousand asylum seekers were allowed to settle in Germany. The country is divided and right-wing group Pegida is leading the push to stop the ‘foreign invasion’.

Germany has failed to safeguard its sovereignty. Unplanned population growth will create ethnic ghettoes and Germany's social cohesion will be tested. The Trojan Horse is indeed within the gates.

Vijay47: With Germany Chancellor Angela Merkel's gross stupidity, this was an outrage just waiting to explode.

It is all well and good to display Christian charity, turn the other cheek, open your home to the homeless, and be the Good Samaritan but nowhere is it written that in loving thy neighbour you are also expected to harbour vipers in your bosom.

Almost everything that these so-called migrants do points to a simple strategy aided by European lunacy of infiltrating non-Muslim nations - a high proportion of military-aged asylum-seekers, smuggling huge caches of arms and explosives, even demanding that the Swiss remove their cross from the flag, the fact that no Islamic nation welcomes them.

For Malaysians, perhaps our inspector-general of police (IGP) can learn a lesson and resign for absolute inefficiency.

Prudent: There is nothing much Merkel or anyone in Europe can do in the face of masses of refugees crashing the border.

The police, used to a docile and relatively crime-free population, will have to reboot fast to cope with the millions of refugees from violence-torn countries. The hope is that when they settle down to jobs in the host countries, they will become peaceful.

But de-radicalisation efforts need to go hand in hand with the effort to help them settle in. Jobs are plentiful and life is safe and much more plentiful materially than their original countries.

The root cause - political destabilisation in their home countries - will run their course while a political solution is being negotiated. The real Christians need to pray and contribute to the de-radicalisation programmes.

To all real Christians, do not give in to Islamophobia. Jesus Christ also died for the Muslims. The refugees are a challenge to the Body of Christ in Europe, and especially now in Germany, to show them the love of God in Christ. Pray for them to be up to the challenge.

Pray also that the home countries (Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iraq, Morocco and Libya) of the refugees will return to political stability and economic prosperity.

Anticonmen: How stupid Europeans are. With your good-hearted nature, you allowed religious fanatics into your country. These fanatics will eventually want to impose their religious nonsense on others and that's when there will be problems.

Just look at Japan. They knew wisely, much earlier the gradual demanding nature, expansionism tendencies and fanaticism of these fanatics. There is no 'live and let live' among these fanatics.

Anonymous 2299391436500295: Prudent, since when are jobs plentiful in the EU? Structural unemployment in Europe is always high, and Muslim no-go zones have long been de facto established in Sweden, UK and France. Germany is next, unfortunately.

Years ago I admired Switzerland's move to forbid mosque minarets. Of course, it's easy for such a small neutral country to set its boundaries, especially since its natural boundaries are the Alps.

US President Barack Obama, however, is between a rock and a hard place. He cannot afford to alienate the US Muslim community by calling a spade a spade, or said community could morph into something like England's or France's.

Anticonmen, Japan has never welcomed any foreign group of any size, because it's a highly racist, conformist and homogeneous society.

As a Westerner, I certainly experienced that during my four years in Japan. You can be sure the Japanese are even less tolerant of Arabs and Africans. Trust me on that one. The small Brazilian community there has it bad enough.

Try some critical thought instead of parroting Dr Mahathir Mohamad's Japan fantasies about Japanese superior wisdom if you obviously don't know anything about Japan. Mahathir simply loathes America, that's all, so Japan was his foil.

Vent: It’s amazing that Germany hasn’t learnt anything from the French experience of Muslim immigration into France although it is the karmic right of the colonised to settle in the homelands of the colonisers.

Political correctness and a deep social conscience has blinded Germany to the potential danger of closet Islamic militants among the thousands of Muslims welcomed carte blanche into Germany.

Recent events were just waiting to happen after Merkel’s ludicrous acceptance of all Syrian refugees. It is just a matter of time before some insurgency happens. It may already have begun with the spate of recent events.

The milk of human kindness that has flowed in Germany will soon turn sour. Having lived in Germany, the German people deserve much better but should have known better, too.

I despise Australia’s fraudulent policy on the boat people but Germany and indeed Europe could learn from its refusal to accept illegal migrants and dodgy asylum seekers.

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