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Zaid, first figure out why Bersih 4 did not work

YOURSAY | ‘Zaid has nothing to offer apart from playing on your misconception that getting rid of Najib Abdul Razak would solve the nation's problems.’

Zaid proposes March 27 gathering to urge Najib's resignation

Abasir: This is what I'd like to say: If the majority of decent, patriotic Malaysians do not rise to heed the urging, if they continue doing what they are doing - feeling helpless, angry and anxious while periodically reminiscing about what the country used to be - and venting online - change will not happen.

This is a litmus test, to finally determine the stuff most Malaysians are made of. However, what I'd ask instead is whether the pain and shame have been sufficiently felt across a hopelessly divided country to motivate action.

The Analyser: Has Zaid Ibrahim committed himself to anything that would be of benefit to Malaysians? Of course he hasn't. He, like so many politicians are seeking power under the same conditions that apply at the moment where they have control over everything, including your money.

Like so many politicians, Zaid has nothing to offer apart from playing on your misconception that to get rid of Najib Abdul Razak would solve the nation's problems.

If you truly believe that, then it’s no wonder Malaysia is in the state it’s in now because nobody is thinking and nobody has a thought for anyone but themselves. Get rid of Najib and all you have is a dysfunctional nation without Najib. That sure is some achievement!

Maplesyrup: Yes, better gather before the National Security Council (NSC) Bill comes into force. If not, we are just giving the emperor the chance to impose emergency rule and reign till kingdom come?

P Dev Anand Pillai: Good idea, but it has to garner more support and everyone irrespective of race has to participate. If the non-Malays come out in large numbers, the spin, indoctrination and propaganda gurus in the current administration will immediately turn it into a non-Malay versus Malay issue and the Malays as usual, will not support such a cause as soon as they perceive it as such. It will work if every Malaysian rises up.

Doc: "Zaid proposes March 27 gathering to urge Najib's resignation". All I can say to Zaid's proposal is "did that, done that in Bersih 4 last year but Najib still stands". So, if Zahid wants this gathering to be effective and bring about the desired effect he needs to figure out why Bersih 4 did not work.

And the reason is simple; the educated and progressive Malays along with the Chinese and Indians came out to support Bersih 4 but the vast majority of the Malay population took a back seat to that protest march. Najib and his Umno goons quickly labelled Bersih 4 as a racist stunt by the Chinese to destabilise the Malay run government and the vast Malay majority of the population bought into his rubbish.

So, Zahid Ibrahim, to make this protest which you are suggesting to be dynamic and effective, you need to figure out on how to get the Malays to come out in hordes to fight against Najib and his pack of cronies.

Shanandoah: It is pointless for non-Malays to bring down Najib if all Malaysians are not going to be treated fairly and equally. Zaid and Mahathir must assure the ‘nons’ that they will adhere to the constitution that was drawn up for our Independence from Britain. The civil service must reflect the racial balance at all levels of the administration. Special rights and privileges have outlived their day.

Why destroy the peace and harmony because some Malays are not satisfied with what Umno has given them? Zaid and Mahathir must promise that there will be no second-class citizens in the country if they want their support.

Monty: A great proposal Zaid, but this must be spearheaded by Malays starting with the Group of 25. Only when there are sufficient eminent Malays and NGOs involved should the opposition parties come in. The last rally against Najib was largely ignored by Malays. Unless the Malays take an active role the rally will go nowhere. Sad but true.

Anonymous_1375701728: Zaid, good call. The problem is you have to first wake up the sleeping compatriots in the kampongs. Their inertia is ruining the country. They hold the majority of seats in Parliament, not the urban folks. Mobilise them and then you may see results.

KnockKnock: Who are you calling out Zaid? The rich will only smile and continue enjoying their life styles at homes and abroad. The middle class are just contented with their monthly paycheques. The youths do not even realise that the roofs of their parents' houses are leaking for most of their time is spent under the roofs of malls and billiard dens.

The poor would not want to lose or miss the RM500 BR1M contributions. The Chinese would not join the call of the Malays or Indians and vice-versa. This is the actual scenario in Malaysia. And Najib knows it well.

Limfly: The day Mahathir acknowledges the alleged evil he had done in the past will be the day when the same evil done in the present can be dismantled. If he truly loves this country and wants things to be put right he would say "sorry" to the rakyat for the excesses of his strong-arm tactics when he was the PM. If not, he has no moral standing to lead the change.

Kudaku lari: I totally agreed with Zaid. I hope his urging for this gathering will not be the first and the last. The gathering must be done nationwide and until Najib has no choice but to resign. This will also allow more and more Malaysian to join. The country needs to thoroughly cleaned up and those corrupt people wiped out, be they government servants or politicians.

Malaysia is a rich country with only small population of 27 million. If this country is managed by good and clean leaders Malaysia could be well developed, even surpassing its neighbours. It’s high time Malaysian of all races to unite and fight for this good cause, at least for our future generations.

FairMind: It's not that the masses love the present PM or are not in favour of the mass gathering to urge his resignation. It's just that the masses are wiser and patient - they want the present PM in power in order to rid of Umno, Mahathir Mohamad, Najib and his cohorts in one fell swoop in the next general election (GE). They can tolerate and wait.

Replacing him with another Umno guy (be it Zahid Hamidi, Muhyiddin Yassin or any other Umno puppets) - there will be no difference. Malaysia's problems can only be solved if we get rid of the diseased plant with the roots and all.

JieJie: Zaid, did you realise that this dark road we are headed down was first paved by Dr Mahathir?

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