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Will Dr M go to S’wak to stump for Citizens’ Declaration?

YOURSAY | ‘We must look forward to the future, not at what Mahathir had done.’

Dr M implores M'sians to pull off a Malayan Union-style revolt

FairMind: Remove PM Najib Razak and another Najib-like Umno leader comes in to take his place. Another dictator, divider of the rakyat and a continuance of the mismanagement of the resources of Malaysia. Is there any difference as long as Umno rules Malaysia?

Former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad is only interested in removing Najib, Malayan Union-style or otherwise, but gave no indication on the need for true reforms.

So what is the point of supporting him? Malaysians are in dire need for reforms, not another Umno PM.

Mahsuri: All Malaysians are quite aware that the monster we now face is largely Mahathir's own creation.

The old man has refused to admit this and some are using this as an excuse to reject the Citizens’ Declaration, which is in everyone's interest. Malaysians seem to love to cut off our own noses to spite our faces, no?

How many of you have grandparents who are not stubborn and difficult to reason with? Heck, how many of our grandparents or parents have even made it to 90? I know most of my relatives at that age need assistance just to get in and out of the car.

Mahathir is past 90, and while most old foxes have lost their faculties, not only is he in full control of his senses, he is using whatever energy he has left to fight the Bugis warrior and his team of alleged thieves.

But no, obviously it is more important for Malaysians to stay angry and to complain about him.

Clearwater: We must look forward to the future, not at what Mahathir had done and said.

He created the Umno money monster to serve his own ends, but it ultimately devoured all the principles that made the party great. It made him the bitter unhappy man he is today.

Nonetheless, we must work with him to overcome this monster or our children will have little future in this country that was once so promising.

Anonymous 2336891439170985: Yes, to condemn Mahathir now is playing into Umno's hand. Mahathir is no angel but he is the lesser of the two evils. Let us work with him to rid the nation of the greater evil.

There is no guarantee that we would succeed even with him leading the charge, what more without him. If we want change, let us stop splashing cold water on him and stop acting like a wet blanket.

Take a step at a time. This is the only hope we have. If his arch enemies like Anwar Ibrahim and Lim Kit Siang are prepared to work with him to save our nation, why can't we lend them a hand?

Straight-Talk: Commentator (Roy69) could not have put it better: "You (Mahathir) created these monsters, institutionalised racism, declared the nation Islamic when it is secular, abused your powers, destroyed our judiciary and a corrupt system was put in place. And you expect us to trust and support you?"

Anonymous 2336891439170985: Straight-Talk. I share your feelings. If I were to speak my mind like you are doing, my words would be many folds harsher than yours.

Look at it this way: the late Mao Zedong cooperated with his arch enemy Chiang Kai Shek to fight and finally defeat their common enemy - the Japanese invaders.

By doing so, Mao had only one enemy to take care of. After the war, Mao took care of the corrupt Chiang and drove him and his cronies to Taiwan.

Let us set aside our differences with Mahathir. If Anwar, whom he had jailed on fabricated evidence, has forgiven him, let us unite to save Malaysia first, and talk about the other problems after achieving our goals.

Anticonmen: When you were in power, you did not care to listen to the opposition and the other races when they told you not to tinker with the 1957 constitution and not to remove rule of law and separation of powers.

Now, you want everyone to revolt against a dictatorial system you created to exploit power and money of the people by a few. Nevertheless, we got to support your stupidity. What choice do we have?

Ferdtan: Mahathir, you lamented Umno’s inability to put a stop on Najib and you also called on the people to sign the Citizens’ Declaration in the hope of triggering a Malayan Union-style revolt.

You also accepted to attend together with Malaysian workers in the coming May Day rally. All these are your efforts to pressure Najib.

Sarawak is now holding a state election. If BN were to perform badly, such as not winning a two-thirds majority in the assembly, then it may dent Najib’s reputation and thus he may be forced to resign. Mahathir, isn’t this what you wanted all along?

So will you fly to Sarawak together with the Citizens’ Declaration’s grouping to explain to the people there?

Yes, it may adversely affect BN’s success in the election but your self-interest (in getting Najib to quit without Umno losing power) will be intact.

BN in Sarawak is still strong and will not likely to lose control of the state. Moreover, Umno is not contesting in the state, so why worry?

The only problem is whether the state immigration under CM Adenan Satem will dare to ban you from entering the state. This is the last chance to remove Najib; once BN were to win big in Sarawak, Najib will be untouchable.

Cmfoo: Do you see anyone else doing any fighting to bring Najib down? The opposition? They can't stop bickering between themselves.

If Dr M is trying to put things right now, let's give him the full support.

Anon1: Umno MPs lack courage? Tell the truth, please. It's because all of them, including the component BN MPs, have been allegedly fed with corruption that their hands and tongues are tied.

These are the warlords which you helped to entrench in this corrupt regime without giving two hoots about governance and accountability. Now that you are not in power, you realise it’s the people who have the power to remove these kleptocrats.

Nevertheless, I forgive you but I hope you acknowledge this. Where do I sign ?

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