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Since when did PDRM get instructions from cabinet?

YOURSAY | ‘PDRM works for the rakyat and the Agong, and it must investigate all crimes.’

Cops finish first phase of 1MDB probe, cabinet restricts it to PAC recommendations

Mushiro: For such a high-profile case, the police investigation into the 1MDB scandal is restricted to the five recommendations by the Public Accounts Committee (PAC) and this was ordered by the cabinet.

The inspector-general of police (IGP) said the police are waiting for orders from the Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC). The PAC, the cabinet, the police and the AGC have proven to be biased in the 1MDB investigations.

With the police just towing the dictates of the PAC, the cabinet and the AGC, the police investigation into 1MDB will be another big farce. There is clearly no political will to seriously arrive at the root of the 1MDB evil.

Anonymous 122461436161429: Yes, from what IGP Khalid Abu Bakar is saying, nothing will come out of this ‘sandiwara’. It is the world that must, and is, taking steps.

Negarawan: Every arrest and indictment made in the foreign jurisdictions investigating 1MDB is a slap on the faces of the IGP, AG and the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC.) It is best that the IGP, AG and MACC stop wasting the rakyat's time and money.

Even foreign governments have noted that the Malaysian authorities are audaciously impeding investigations to protect the perpetrators. Such irresponsibility and immorality are shameful.

MVA: It’s strange that the cabinet can decide for the police what to investigate or what not to investigate. Can the cabinet, for instance, instruct the police not to investigate a murder?

Anonymous 1545651439185163: Whoever is being mentioned by US Department of Justice (DOJ) is not that important, because 1MDB gets its instructions from MO1 (Malaysian Official 1), who only has the authority to approve any transaction.

If the IGP is waiting for AG's instructions, then he is lying, since the head of PAC has removed important evidence from the report and because the AG has approved it and closed the case.

Anonymous 1890491455255851: The police are awaiting a decision from the AG’s Chambers? Now that will be a total predictable result, won't it?

I can tell you what the AG’s Chambers will say: case closed.

OurFutureOurMalaysia: Khalid, since when has the Royal the Malaysian Police (PDRM) been taking instructions from cabinet? PDRM works for the rakyat and the Agong, and it must investigate all crimes, not follow cabinet instructions.

Maybe you can drop the "DiRaja" from your name.

Ex-PJ: In a country run by crooks, it is a waste of time to expect justice.

More than just flying the flag, PM explains three levels of patriotism

Vijay47: Just when I thought it was safe to go back to the pharmacy, I run into PM Najib Razak in one of his hallucinations.

Somebody please, tell the man not to stop taking those pills and I am not referring to the little blue ones.

Yes, patriotism is much more than waving flags or lusty singing. It is an experience of an entire country where leaders and followers merge, where everyone knows that he or she is an important cog in the whole that runs smoothly for the benefit of all.

Leaders are measured by their integrity and honour, persons who are aware that service to the nation is reward in itself and not an opportunity to loot the state Treasury.

When there is this sincerity, where citizens of all hues enjoy fair treatment, confident their concerns are in safe hands, there will be a natural groundswell of that moving emotion of "My country before me" as true patriotism blossoms.

Until that distant day comes, sermons and platitudes can only evoke laughter, especially when these are from lost souls of a lost dynasty.

Hang Babeuf: This deluded man feels that he has to go on talking, believes his position requires him to carry on like that - to show that he's a widely heard "advice/nasihat-giver", and hence a legitimate leader.

But he does not see the incongruity of his playing (= "faking") that role of the nation's moral exhorter-in-chief. Our MO1 really wants to be MO1: he wants to be "Moral Overlord 1" to the whole weary, abused nation.

Every time he talks, he proves himself a fool and a hypocrite. What he says may be true - and he may be entitled to offer such sonorous pronunciamentos (pronouncements) - in some other parallel private universe in which he and his delusions are anchored.

But it has nothing to do with this palpable world where the rest of us live.

Anonymous 1890491455255851: Patriotism isn't just about what we the people can do for the country. We seem to be doing all the work while those in government abuse the system and use their positions - but not to better the lives of Malaysians, but just their own. So please.

Just saying these words mean nothing unless you live by them. So far, all I see is a complete contradiction in ideas and principles, depending on the audience and depending on the state of desperation.

Just A Malaysian: MO1, is accepting donations part of patriotism?

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