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Prove your innocence, Raja Petra defies ex-IGP
Published:  Dec 22, 2016 10:17 AM
Updated: 8:15 AM

After being threatened with a lawsuit by the former inspector-general of police Musa Hassan, blogger Raja Petra Kamaruddin has dared Musa to prove his innocence.

He said he would not hesitate to apologise if Musa has evidence to show. Hence, he would wait for Musa’s lawyer’s letter of demand before deciding how to proceed.

“One fact that cannot be denied is that Musa was the IGP from 2006 to 2010, while (former opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim’s) Sodomy 2 (II) case was in 2008. That means the whole thing happened during Musa’s watch.

“So, if Musa was really not involved in Sodomy II then he would have to prove it. Once Musa shows us the evidence and if the evidence proves that he is right and I am wrong, I will not hesitate to tender my apology,” Raja Petra wrote in his blog, Malaysia Today, yesterday.

Earlier yesterday, Musa called a press conference at which he said he would sue Raja Petra for his claim that former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad had used him, as the IGP then, and the then attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail to imprison Anwar.

Musa also said that Mahathir was not involved in the Sodomy II case.

“Mahathir was not behind Sodomy II. He was not even called by the police,” he said.

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