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Khir shouldered the blame, but BN was the one responsible

YOURSAY | ‘Who headed the Selangor Umno/BN in GE13? Was it not Najib?’

Khir Toyo admits BN lost S'gor because of him, but...

Clever Voter: Dr Mohd Khir Toyo was the menteri besar when Selangor fell to the opposition. Although he shouldered much of the blame, it is BN that is mostly responsible.

But one must recognise that Khir was leading a wealthy and relatively developed state. The population are well informed, and probably even better informed today.

Better informed constituents also mean less tolerant for corrupt and self-serving politicians.

Head to head, BN candidates were no match to their opposite numbers. BN champions local issues - drains and hawkers’ welfare - while others talk about the bigger picture of where the economy was going. Get the picture?

CQ Muar: Tengku Adnan Tengku Mansor (Ku Nan), stop blaming all others except yourself.

Let's face facts - as BN secretary-general, a lot of events occurred during your tenure under the leadership of the last two prime ministers, namely, Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and Najib Abdul Razak.

Why don't you admit your own weaknesses as well and that you also contributed to Umno's failures?

Bluemountains: Who headed the Selangor Umno/BN in GE13? Was it not Najib? Why is Ku Nan not blaming him?

Sa Tombs: The Selangoreans found that PKR-run Selangor was corruption-free and so we voted for PKR again (in 2013). Should PKR fail to maintain its integrity, we would choose otherwise.

Under the leadership of Azmin Ali, the present Selangor government is being run efficiently and

cleanly, unlike Umno and its cohorts who are corrupt and greedy.

Leongan: Get Ku Nan to take charge of Selangor BN campaign in GE14, then make him the menteri besar of Selangor instead of Federal Territories minister (should he manage to defeat Azmin).

Perhaps Selangor will be under the control of Umno forever…

Annonymous: Khir, you poor fella was made a scapegoat and was mercilessly thrown under the bus and dragged to court for "corruption" by your own kind in Umno.

But the biggest kleptocrat who allegedly stole billions walks free and you still support Umno? Where is your dignity, man?

Amateur: I still remember vividly that Khir boasted to have "zero opposition" in Selangor during the GE12 campaign. Haha...

Ku Nan blames Khir Toyo for BN losing S'gor

Appum: Well, Ku Nan, Selangor and Penang are lost to BN for many decades to come given the successful ways these two chief ministers have run their respective states… despite being inexperienced.

Umno should not be carrying out post-mortems as post-mortems are done only after something has died.

Umno is dying as it is led by an incompetent head and a retinue of incompetent ministers.

This is also the result of a government being run by a group of compromised heads, and all its sycophants are in their positions not because of qualifications but ‘kulitfication’.

Malaysia has many talents, be they Malays, Chinese, Indians, Ibans, Kadazans, but such qualified people are not up there because they are real professionals with no strong cables to pull, nor would they carry ‘bolas’ (balls) to achieve these positions.

In short, Umno should some soul searching - their leaders should look inside themselves and see where they have done wrong.

Desperate for Change: Indeed, why waste time on post-mortem? In fact, too late for post-mortem.

What you need to do is to wake up, address the issues of corruption in relation to your leader and his cronies... then rakyat will see that BN is really wanting to change.

People like Ku Nan must be thrown away - and make sure he’s not just thrown into the recycling bin.

JD Lovrenciear: "The problem with BN and Umno is that it does not have the courage to make genuine evaluations and lives in denial about the people's perception," said Khir.

Finally, you found the courage to get even. You will now recall that long time ago I told you right in your face in your office in Shah Alam, "Datuk Seri, if you cannot even manage your God-given meal times, how can you even claim to manage an entire state?"

Well, now that you have found your voice, I want to crown you with the benefit of the doubt. You must have come full circle.

And I hope you now take your meals on time because there is a long-haul journey for BN in store.

Dont Just Talk: While the arrogant and corrupt Khir was one of the many reasons Selangor state was lost to Pakatan Rakyat, the other cause was abuse of power, such as bringing his whole family with their maids to Orlando Disneyland, US, allegedly at taxpayers’ expense.

In Selangor, the voters are residing in city/sub-urban cities and they are well informed of the happenings in the country, unlike the Felda folk and the simple-minded, rural Malays, who can be easily bought over with gifts and ang pows.

Ask any hawker or nasi lemak seller in Selangor what the 1MDB financial scandal is about and who MO1 (Malaysian Official 1) is. One will be surprised with what they know.

Tengku Adnan, while your personal record is not clean and you have a lot of skeletons in the closet, do not talk ill of Khir, who has served time in prison and has his Bali-style bungalow in Shah Alam confiscated by the High Court.

Basically: Oh yes, here's another tip. Go ask the Taman Medan church people who had their cross taken down on why Umno lost Selangor.

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