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Then ‘ketuanan Melayu’, now ‘ketuanan Islam’

YOURSAY | ‘If this was read without the mention of Hadi, one would have thought it came from Umno.’

Hadi: Muslims must lead, but others need not worry

Anonymous #44199885: Muslims must lead, so says a religious extremist, racist and supremacist. PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang is obviously no better than the white supremacists in Virginia.

How is nation building ever going to be successful with people like this in power? If PAS and Umno come to power after GE14, I fear non-Muslims will be forced to leave this country.

We. who are born, live, work in this country, are at high risk of being ejected from our home simply because we worship a different god.

Vijay47: So Muslims must lead in the secular world, which by the way, you already are in Malaysia insofar as power and might are concerned, the only monopolies you seem to care for.

But what good has it brought you? Or Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, et al? If your profound theory is right, all these places should be paradise on earth when in truth they are closer to hell.

How about Islam's other attributes, like responsibility, integrity, justice, and service? I am sure these virtues must also be listed in the Quran you cited.

Or does being Muslim only relate to enjoying the fruit of others' toil and being blind to strange Arabs bringing stranger gifts?

Pemerhati: Hadi said, “In Malaysia, Muslim Malays who are the dominant race, must be appointed to leadership positions due to Islam's position in the Federal Constitution and that the monarchy consists of Muslims.

“The same goes for key positions in the country such as the judiciary, administration, security and defence…This ‘kehaibatan’ (prestige) is lost if (these positions) are left to other races which are not dominant… non-Muslims need not worry because they are guaranteed justice and rights in accordance to the Quran and the Federal Constitution.”

In short, the Malays are the ‘tuans’ and the non-Malays are second-class citizens or very similar to ‘dhimmis’ in an Islamic state.

If PM Najib Razak and Hadi win the next elections, these policies, which have already been implemented, will continue for some time until the time comes for the country to repay Najib’s huge borrowings from China.

At that point in time, the mainland Chinese will be the ‘tuans’ and all Malaysians, their ‘hambas’.

Clever Voter: If this was read without the mention of Hadi, one would have thought that this came from Umno leaders. Increasingly, we see a convergence of opinions between PAS and Umno leadership.

The shift to ultra-right is driven largely by power rather than philosophy. There is no dispute over Malay dominance in leadership positions should those chosen for these roles come with right values of integrity, nation before self, and excellence.

Hadi must first remove his parochial thinking of what's good for him is good for the nation. He must earn the trust of everyone and not use fear to drive change.

His style doesn't appeal to the more intellectual and urban segments of the society who would ignore his rhetoric. If he wants the society to listen to him, he should start with himself. But that's not possible as he is not even trusted to begin with.

David Dass: It is only right and sensible for non-Muslims to jointly administer the country with Muslims.

Without non-Muslims in senior positions in every aspect of government, the government reels on with little or no regard for non-Muslim rights or sensitivities. That can only result in problems for the country.

Already Indians and other minorities have been marginalised and entrenched generational poverty shadows the community. Already many non-Muslims have left, or are leaving, the country. The exodus will continue.

And these non-Muslims will be replaced by new Muslims who will insist on being treated as members of the 'dominant' majority.

They will enjoy rights and preferences denied to non-Muslims who have been here for generations and who have contributed to the development of the country.

FellowMalaysian: Hadi speaks like it is the constitutional right of Muslim Malays to assume key positions in state institutions.

Unfortunately, Hadi has been misinformed or misguided in his interpretation of the rights of Muslim Malays. Neither are there clauses present in the Constitution that guarantees that the majority race or persons who belong to a particular religion will become the heads of government.

Hadi is recycling his fallacious rhetoric as once again, the general election is approaching and this curmudgeon has no records of achievements to back his administration up and he has to resort to his usual bore; harping on religious and race matters.

Hadi's anachronistic mind belongs to the ages of the distant past and the Muslims who support him must realise this before any real progress can be made.

Anonymous_1421806811: Hadi, as usual, speaks more like a stupid idiot than a person who uses his brain. The truth of the matter is that there are Muslims and there is Hadi. Muslims want to live in peace. Hadi wants to take them to heaven.

There are intelligent Muslims who want to make life better for all Muslims. There is Hadi who wants to take them back to the Stone Age. There are Muslims who wants to get rid of corruption. There is Hadi who sleeps well with thieves.

There are Muslims who have independent minds, to think for themselves. There is Hadi who wants to do all the thinking for them so that they become zombies. He wants to be their God.

Hadi, if only you had some grey matter between your ears, you will know you are the worst example for a Muslim to follow.

Clearwater: Good, decent, capable people should lead, period. It matters not one whit what religion they profess.

Hadi's call is repugnant to secular Malaysia, but especially so to ‘fixed-deposit holders’ in Sabah and Sarawak. When will they wake up?

More comments - If Muslims must lead, then let them be righteous Muslims

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