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No Thai records of 11-year-old's marriage, says PAS official
Published:  Jul 3, 2018 4:27 PM
Updated: 8:36 AM

Kelantan Muslimat PAS chief Siti Zailah Muhd Yusoff said today that there are no records of the marriage between a 11-year-old Thai girl and a 41-year-old man from Gua Musang with the Narathiwat Islamic Affairs Council.

Speaking to reporters, Siti Zailah stated that the head of the council had told her that the marriage had likely taken place in Golok, Thailand without its permission.

She added that the council would not have allowed the marriage to take place because unions involving minors are prohibited by local laws.

“My concern is that if this issue is not resolved by the authorities, it would prolong the controversy further. Moreover, this issue involves a minor who should be given guidance and love,” she said.

The man had claimed that he had legally taken the 11-year-old as his third wife after seeking permission from her parents, who were Thai nationals working as rubber tappers in Gua Musang.

Her parents had told Bernama that the arrangement involved nikah gantung, which means that the couple will only live together after the girl turns 16.

The girl does not attend school, and said that she was looking forward to living with her husband in five years.

Meanwhile, Siti Zailah urged the public not to generalise child marriage, because it is permitted under Islamic law with permission from the Syariah Court.

She added that the court studies the merit of each case before allowing such marriages to take place.

Siti Zailah also stated that PAS will be offering the girl legal assistance, and will help provide her with access to proper education.