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Najib, they hardly ever say thank you
Published:  Jun 22, 2006 7:03 PM
Updated: Jan 29, 2008 10:21 AM

But of course, everyone says 'thank you' and open the doors for powerful people, don't they?

On Najib objects to KL's 'third-rudest' status

Amir: Where has Najib been? Shopkeepers hardly ever say 'thank you' and I have been left standing at a lift lobby just as the doors are closing many times. But of course, everyone says 'thank you' and open the doors for powerful people, don't they?

In many countries I have been to, shopkeepers are always pleasant with a greeting and a 'how are you today?' When we leave their premises, it's always 'thank you' and 'have a nice day'.

We have a lot to learn!

Thai Eng: Is our DPM Najib living in Bolehland or what? When the fuel price hike came out, he told us to tighten our belts and change our lifestyles, now he denies that there are rude Malaysians around. Is he like one of those who refuses to see all the rudeness around him?

If there are plentiful very friendly, courteous, polite Bolehlanders; why the need to spend million of ringgits on courtesy campaigns in the media?

Gajah didepan tak nampak, kuman virus disebarang lautan dilihat pulak.

KC: This man is definitely out of touch with the ground conditions in Kuala Lumpur. When was the last time he actually experienced first hand the social conditions in KL minus his bodyguards and sycophants?

It's pointless making silly objections for the sake of making objections. The point is there's plenty of truth in the survey results. Saying that he ''understands one of our attractions to foreign tourists is the friendliness of our people" only goes to show the degree of his ignorance.

Meng: Don't be in denial, Najib. Our education centres (universities) used to be one of the best in Asia. Our police force was one of the most disciplined 20 years ago. Our crime rate one of the lowest in Southeast Asia. Our people one of the most courteous.

Go on and do a test yourself - I think the many community advertisements the government puts out says it clearly. How many of our youths will stand up for a pregnant woman or the aged in a bus or train? How many will say 'thank you' or 'sorry' at the appropriate times in public? Just try the busy government offices. You're lucky if you don't get a scolding.

Malaysians are maybe friendly when they are forced in a face-to-face situation because we don't like confrontations. But put them behind the wheel and how many would give way at a busy intersection? How many would lift their hands to say "thank you" to the driver who gives way to them? It's more like I squeeze my way in and the other guy blasts his horn.

Get out of your limousine and away from your outriders once in awhile and see what KL and the suburbs are like.

On Who's the 'speed queen' in cabinet?

HL Too: It is obvious that VIPs can break the law and get away with it. Our politicians are very fond of mouthing clich such as "no one is above the law". No one? How about more than one? Another clich is the phase "without fear or favour". Without fear? Who are you kidding. Without favour? Aw, come on. Every time I hear these clich, I don't know whether to laugh or to cry.

Lee Swee Ching: I think there is something wrong with the speed limit system along the highways. Since so many political leaders themselves are 'kena' by speeding, the government must make a serious study on how and why these offences are committed. As a highway user myself, I also 'kena' many times by speeding tickets.

However, I feel that these tickets are sometimes not fair. Many times I was caught speeding at 121 to 126 km/h and at others times 130 to 140 km/hr. At all times, the fines are of the same quantum. Is driving at 125 km/h consider dangerous? Especially when the highway is 'lurus' like a ruler and not crowded with other cars, and you are driving a 2,000cc car.

It is no wonder so many motorists are hit by speeding tickets. No doubt, it is a source of revenue to the government., but it is definitely not a fair way of taxing the highway users.

On Bar Council vs rights groups over rape

Salbiah Ahmad: I am particularly incensed by the Bar's stand because I am a lawyer. There are a Gender and Equal Opportunities Sub-Committee of the Bar and a Human Rights Sub-Committee. Many lawyers are also with women and human rights NGOs. Why the silence from these groups and lawyers?

On Judiciary: Start campaign to discuss issues

Pro-Bono Publico: My friend, MGG Pillai , died recently without getting justice of the human variety. I am sure some people will have to answer for the injustice that was meted out to him. I pray that where MGG has gone, he will get justice of a better kind - the divine variety.

Of course, the Malaysian judiciary at this point in time still cannot pick itself up after the grave blow it received when Tun Salleh Abas was hounded out of office way back in 1988, some 18 years ago.

What saddens me is that Tun Salleh was done in by his fellow learned brethren, his fellow members of the Bench. That was betrayal in all its nakedness. As for my friend, MGG, the system failed him, and failed him miserably.

On MIC - Who will it be?

Srikanth Siva: It is safe to say that Subramaniam will have a tough time at the polls, but if there is a massive act of defiance amongst voters to show Samy Vellu that MIC members are not happy with the current party, then Subra might have a good chance.

The only problem I see with Subra is that he has done the Houdini act for the past five years or maybe 10 (or was it 15 years?) but then again a good vice-president remains quiet and let the top dog claim the thunder. Have you heard any comment from Dick Cheney lately?

On Temple issue: Royal intervention

K Arumugam: The most glaring of this gathering in front of the Istana Negara is the support given by Parti Keadilan Rakyat. It is exciting to note the progressive stand taken by the PKR leaders in advancing the rights of Hindus in Malaysia. This notable participation, taken at its face value, has some ingredients for PKR to emerge as a multiracial party in action. Perhaps, PKR should organise a forum on the issue of temples and assure the Hindus of its stand on religion.

Dr Raj: If the Barisan Nasional feels that PKR and other opposition parties are capitalising on the temple demolition issue then why aren't they capitalising on the issue themselves? The issue is there for anyone and everyone to capitalise.

It is because the component parties of BN aren't safe-guarding the rights of the people who voted them in power. That's the reason the people have to turn to the opposition for help whenever there is a crisis in the country.

If the government takes the plight of the people too lightly, don't be surprised if Anwar Ibrahim becomes prime minister post-2008. Please do not close your eyes and ears to the grouses of the people. We will show you what people power is.

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