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Swearing on Quran: Najib too
Published:  Jul 8, 2008 10:00 AM
Updated: 5:16 AM

your say ‘May I also suggest that Najib also to swear on the Quran that he had never met Altantuya and that he is in no way whatsoever involved in the killing of Altantuya.’

On Swear on the Quran, Anwar told

Diana Husin:

I totally agree, flat out, with Putera Umno's suggestion that Anwar should swear on the Quran to prove his innocence. He could never have come up with a better suggestion.

May I also suggest that Najib also to swear on the Quran that he had never met Altantuya and that he is in no way whatsoever involved in the killing of Altantuya.

You know, since he is going to be our prime minister sooner or later, we have the right to know that he does not have any skeletons in his closet.

Like Putera Umno said ‘... this is the best method (to prove it),’ And I suggest that his wife do the same too.

A Sepet Guy: I wish to add, if Anwar is to swear by the Quran, I think Najib should also swear by the Quran rather than resorting to just hold press conferences regarding his involvement. It is even more confusing.

At least in Anwar's case, the police sprang into very quick action to get to the condo. That is based on a single police report lodged.

What about in Najib's case? No police investigation at all. And there are already two statutory declarations made - RPK's and Bala's first one.

Raj: The mufti of Perlis suggests both Anwar and Saiful take a religious oath. Though I am non-Muslim, I believe this could be one of the best options available for now.

I do not know for sure how many leaders in this country are genuinely religious, but I do believe a vast number of them pretend to be religious.

These leaders and officers are willing to do anything under the sun to attain their wants. This has come to a stage where sodomy, killing and corruption are used to accuse one another of in order to defame and destroy especially in politics.

Many of us see Anwar as the most qualified leader to lead Malaysia. However, his rivals are all out to discredit him at whatsoever cost so long he is out of the political scene.

Should Anwar choose to do as suggested by the mufti of Perlis, it may help him to regain the trust from most Muslims which could also put an end to this pattern of accusations.

On the other hand I think it is also necessary for Najib and his wife to emulate the same approach because like it or not we Malaysians have the right to ensure our future PM and his wife (who knows) are not in anyway involved in murder and corruption.

Najib may not need to do this should he decide to reject the premiership but this is not the case as we all understand well.

Dorai Dubai: Mr Putera Umno chairperson, I would also appreciate it if you could initiate another swearing on the Quran for the deputy prime minister and his wife to clear their names from the high-profile murder of Altantuya.

Concerned Muslim: In the wake of the new sodomy allegations against Anwar Ibrahim, I caution Muslims to be careful not to add more ugliness to the already twisted image that others have of Islam.

I refer to the challenge made by Putera Umno chairperson Abdul Azeez Abdul Rahim for Anwar to swear by the Quran that he is innocent.

Concerned Muslims would surely recall that about 10 years ago Anwar swore in the name of God at a public rally in Johor that he was innocent of the sodomy charge for which he eventually had to do time anyway.

On that occasion, Anwar was responding to a similar challenge. I have since been informed that he did so against the advice of his friend the Sheikh al-Qaradhawi, the well-known Islamic jurist from Egypt.

Anwar’s swearing in God’s name did not stop Mahathir and some other Muslims from continuing to accuse him of the crime, thereby cheapening God’s name.

By this count alone, they are close to becoming - if they have not become - minions of Iblis, or Mephistopheles, or Beelzebub, or Shaitan al-Rajeem, or whatever name you wish to give the devil. I challenge any mufti to dispute this position I have taken.

Those who are using Islam to try to stain Anwar’s reputation should first produce four witnesses to the crime and ask those people to swear in God’s name that they are truthful and are prepared to receive God’s punishment if they are lying.

JTB: Is this the best Putera Umno leader Adul Azeez Abdul Rahim can suggest to the Malaysian public to resolve the Anwar sodomy issue - that is, to swear on the Quran?

This is such an irresponsible suggestion and I do hope the Putera Umno chairperson better shut up.

One can assume that both will swear before Allah and both will claim innocence. Then Abdul Azeez, what are you going to do and where do you go from there?

Surely one of them is lying. Do you expect a lightning bolt will suddenly appear and strike down the liar?

By doing this and to resort to such act, you are insulting God. You cast doubts on peoples’ belief in their religion. I say be more responsible and keep God or the Quran out of it.

This is man’s doing, whether they swear before the Holy Book or not, there will come a time they will have to face their Maker.

You a mere mortal, have no right to make such suggestions unless you are also telling the public that God has instructed you to do it.

The country is in trying times, people are suffering because of the fuel price hike and the Malaysian public is looking at the government to lead them. Scandal after scandal are now surfacing against leaders of the government.

If you truly love your country as Putera Umno chairperson, you can help the country by unravelling the accusations made by the Pakatan Rakyat.

Defend your leaders if there is no truth, likewise if you find they are corrupt and dirty, you must help the rakyat by kicking them out.

You do that, you will win the respect not only of the rakyat , but of God himself.

One Malaysia: This is the way to go as proposed by Putera Umno. Now that Anwar has something to deny with regards to the sodomy allegation and Najib regarding Altantuya, then let God Almighty dispose of the issue for the interest of the rakyat.

No need for perpetual denials and threats, etc, God’s action will be fair.

Both Umno and Pakatan Rakyat must now agree to organise a solemn swearing function to be held at the Masjid Negara preferably after Asar on a Sunday. All media, local and foreign, shall be present to make coverage of the event.

The rakyat and those involved should be invited to come to do a prayer ceremony to ‘Save Malaysia’ before the Asar prayer. This shall includes recital of the Quran and talk on the greatness of Allah SWT.

Foreign dignitaries, Muslim and non-Muslim alike, shall be invited to attend to this historic event. After the Asar prayers,both Anwar and Najib must be take oath.

With Quran in his hand and raised above his head, Najib shall swear ‘ Bismillahi rahmani Rahhim. Saya Najib bin Abdul Razak mengaku demi Allah dan Rasul-Nya yang saya tidak kenal lansung dan ada sangkutan apa-apa hal mengenai Altantuya.

'Sekiranya saya membuat pembohongan didalam kenyataan ini; Ya Allah, kau jatuhkan bala yang paling dahsyat terhadap diri saya dan Rosmah. Amin ’.

Thereafter Anwar shall take the stand, holding the same Quran handed from Najib and swear:

Bismillahi rahmani Rahhim. Saya Anwar bin Ibrahim mengaku demi Allah dan Rasul-Nya yang saya tidak meliwati Saiful sebagai dituduh.

Sekiranya saya membuat pembohongan didalam kenyataan ini; Ya Allah, kau jatuhkan bala yang paling dahsyat terhadap diri saya. Sekiranya sumpah saya ini benar ya Allah, kau balaslah keatas Saiful dengan setimpalnya. Amin’ .

Thereafter, the two shall shake hands and the iman will make a closing prayer so that Allah disposes the case. Then people should depart away peacefully and await for results from God.

No one shall launch any attacks in whatsoever form and go about their daily business. When God disposes his judgment, the rakyat shall know the truthful party.

Dennis Madden: Hello, who's this guy from Putera Umno who is once again trying to politicise religion - or is he trying to ‘religionise’ politics?

Can I then suggest that we approach this solution to Malaysia's problems but addressing it in chronological order?

Trouble is, I don’t know where to start. Do we go back as far as the Mahathir era which will mean you will have a backlog of at least 22 years to resolve?

On Impossible to believe Anwar would risk everything

Angry Malaysian: The present political turmoil started from the accusation of sodomy against Anwar.

Many events have led me to believe it is a politically motivated plot. There was Saiful's visit to the DPM's office and being photographed with Najib's aide, Najib's denial of having met him and subsequent admission that he has met Saiful at his residence.

Explanations offered for both incidents are unwieldy. One does not go to the DPM's office to seek scholarship and anyway as a college dropout, he was already out of the academic line. And how many people can just drop by the DPM's residence for advice?

When the accuser emerged, his smiling and confident-looking photo in the press certainly did not show a man who has been ‘traumatised’.

Anwar's angry reaction and body language is consistent with his denial that the incident ever happened.

Let's put blame where blame is due. The turmoil started from those audacious enough to think they can pull off another sodomy conviction on Anwar. As it originated from those very high up in the power structure, the present government has lost its moral right to rule.

TiredMalaysianRakyat: May I take the liberty to represent the majority of rakyat - the silent majority?

We are inundated with corruption, waste, environmental rape, criminal rape, big political giants fighting above us and our pockets are getting drier faster - and no end to the nonsense in sight.

Tomorrow, like it or not, the government may get us to the streets since nothing of real value has been done for the rakyat .

Remember, come Aug 31, Malaysia is 51 years old - over the hill? Or at its prime of life?

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