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'Stay the course, YB Wong'
Published:  Feb 19, 2009 9:12 AM
Updated: 4:16 AM

your say ‘I want you to know that even people out of your constituency like myself support you and your work. My family, colleagues and friends share similar sentiments.'

On The political rape of Elizabeth Wong

Simon: YB Wong, as a resident of Selangor, I am all for effective, fair and transparent governance, regardless of political parties.

And I am starting to see these traits in the current Selangor government of which you are a key member.

I want you to know that even people out of your constituency like myself support you and your work. My family, colleagues and friends share similar sentiments. Stay the course, Wong. We are with you.

I also respect your party for standing by you. I am very hopeful that voters at the two Bukit will also show their support too.

Ningkan Anyie: Why can't we differentiate between moral and immoral even now? Whenever anything like this happens to our representatives (state or federal) there is always someone coming out to monopolise the situation.

This time around our ex-top man Khir Toyo is the guy. Do not play the movie star, my dear once well-respected Mr Khir Toyo.

You will have to change your political tactics if you want to gain any mileage in Umno. In the near future, the rakyat will only support and favour a moderate leader who truly claims himself to be a Malaysian.

Kenny Gan: Whatever Elizabeth Wong does, she should not resign as assembly person or she will be barred from contesting for public office for five years. This means she will have to miss the next general elections which is due in four years time.

Although her political enemies know they cannot win a by-election in Bukit Lanjan, they will nevertheless be jumping for joy at her resignation as they would have effectively shut out a popular, dedicated, capable and hardworking politician from the ranks of Pakatan Rakyat for the next nine years.

Elizabeth Wong has a brilliant future in a future Pakatan Rakyat federal government, a government which must come on a wave of public discontent with the BN regime.

It is senseless to throw away a promising career in high public office as an unwarranted response to a trivial issue in which she has done nothing wrong.

Perhaps one day I will see her name in print as YAB Minister Elizabeth Wong but one misstep now and the dream dies quietly.

Loh SH: Wong's case is strictly a private matter exposed unlawfully and immorally by some despicable culprits.

These unlawful culprits who behave like blackmailers or kidnappers, if they cannot be brought to justice, should not be rewarded at all and get away so easily.

Bowing to the unlawful and unscrupulous actions of these despicable culprits is uncalled for and will serve only to make them even bolder in time to come, thus further jeopardising the safety of the society.

The politicians, particularly those who are the legislators themselves, and the general public should ask this question:

Do we need or want these unlawful and immoral culprits to help maintain and protect the morality of the society?

Amy de Kanter: I am writing to express my outrage at the way Elizabeth Wong has been treated.

Once again our views of woman's 'morality' is subject to more condemnation than political crimes that actually affect constituents.

It is those who lie, steal, hide, threaten and break promises who ought to be ashamed of themselves. It is their resignation that should be forthcoming.

Looking at and passing around someone else's private photos is revolting. Elizabeth Wong is brave, honest and has always worked to deliver what she has promised. Losing her would be a tragedy.

Bravehart: This is as clear as it can get that Khir Toyo would do anything to bring his enemies down. The lady is a victim of some unscrupulous parties.

Being the former MB, you had a grand opportunity to demonstrate your care and concern for women.

Asking Wong to resign is a clear, outright and deliberate effort to outrage the modesty of a woman for personal political milage.

We need not be a rocket scientist to figure this out. Thank god Khir Toyo is not the MB any more, and God willing he will never be one again.

Loh Yin San, Wong Yuen Mei : The Women's Candidacy Initiative (WCI) demands that moral questions should not be raised against Bukit Lanjan assembly person and Selangor executive council member, Elizabeth Wong.

The public should respect Wong's privacy. She did not violate anyone else's rights and her action has in no way created a public nuisance or violated the public order.

The action of distributing photographs of her body was done with malice with no intention to safeguard anybody else's interests.

This is a gross violation of a woman politician's right to privacy. It is despicable to continue to circulate the nude photographs of her in public.

Obviously, Wong's offer to resign was made under duress. Both PKR and the Selangor government should reject her resignation letter as a clear statement of support for the protection of women's right to privacy.

WCI objects to Mohd Khir Toyo's call for Wong to resign and for comparing this case to the case of Chua Soi Lek.

Chua is a married man who committed adultery while Wong is a single woman who has not committed any offence by being in a relationship.

WCI supports Wong in upholding her portfolio because she should be assessed by her performance, not by the fact that her privacy has been invaded.

WCI condemns the use of this political tactic to pressure women leaders like Wong from holding political positions. Such tactics will clearly discourage women from entering the political arena.

WCI strongly opposes these dirty tactics and we call upon the Parliamentary Caucus on Gender and Equality Women to take action. The culprit or culprits who exposed and distributed the photos must be severely punished.

The media should also be held legally responsible for publishing or further distributing the photos as it is a crime to release intimate photos about a person without that person's consent. ( The writers represent the Women's Candidacy Initiative (WCI ))

Teokeloomangoop: Is it possible for Wong to resign from her state assembly post and stand in a by-election straightaway to get a new mandate, so to speak, from her constituents?

Not sure what the law says about eligibility if one resigns but considering this is a unique case, it would be a shame to lose an elected representative in this way when no law was broken.

Albert Heng: Chua Soi Lek was caught enjoying sex with his girlfriend. Elizabeth Wong had her photo taken silently while she was sleeping without her knowledge and without her consent.

Khir Toyo reveals both his mind and his penchant for gutter politics. People with this kind of attitude must be denied and be disqualified.

Say ‘no' to irresponsible politicians like Khir Toyo. Malaysians with wisdom and maturity will never entertain any such politician with a like mind.

CH: Wong, you must not quit. Human beings are born free. It is our natural right to be free but everywhere we are in chains and have to live behind a shroud of hypocrisy.

The hypocrites attack you and if it were not you, they would have attacked another woman, yet another human being who wants to live free.

Let it be that it was you whom they picked and that you have to shoulder the burden on behalf of all Malaysians who do not wish to live as hypocrites.

By dismissing the hypocrites, ignoring them, despising them, you represent all the young Malaysians who want to live the full life of a human being.

Please do not do any service to them by quitting but stay on and continue your service to the nation and the people who elected you.

The people who count in your political life are the people who want liberty and an enlightened future for our country and not those who want to take us to an age of darkness.

Steven Han: Dear Ms. Elizabeth Wong, I'm a Singaporean. Through some unhealthy developments, these photos have contaminated your thoughts and caused emotional tension to your physical body and soul.

I strongly believe you're strong in spirit and are able to remove such ‘thoughts'. Only you yourself will be able to realise that these ‘thoughts' can destroy your body and soul.

My advice to you is to wake up and 'let go' of all these past happenings. The truth is in the present so refocus your harmonious thoughts towards bringing progress and good living to all Malaysians at large.

The results of your good work are God's guidance, so stand strong from today!

John Johnson: I think it is time to seal our ex-MB'S fate. He is only being supported by radical party members who are still clutching at straws to regain power.

This former MB has no moral right to pass any judgement on our Ms Wong.

I say Wong is entitled to a relationship just like anyone of us. It is nobody's business whether you are single or married.

This ex-MB has made himself a laughing stock. especially when you read in the papers the number of khalwat cases being committed by public figures and so-called celebrities.

Let us all gather our inner strength and say ‘no' to dirty politics by giving the opposition the majority and the mandate in the coming by-elections and seal the fate of BN.

Let us show the people in BN that they are history.

R Lee: It is interesting that the former MB harps about morality and insists that Elizabeth Wong should immediately step down.

I am reminded of the various scandals which have tarred several notable politicians within BN ranks over the years, yet they were not told to resign.

Instead, they continued on their merry way with not even a slap on the wrist but with many winks and thick-skinned remarks.

So before the pot calls the kettle black, perhaps he should check his team's appearance in the mirror first and not blow his whistle just for the sake of making sure the public knows that he's still around.

To Ms Wong, you have my greatest sympathy in the face of this double attack. Please hold fast and stay on, as long as your conscience is clear, you will continue to have the support from many of your friends.


Elizabeth Wong, please don't resign. All sensible Malaysians are behind you!

Alex Wong: Dear Elizabeth Wong, you do not have to resign from your posts, as you have done no wrong and not broken any law. This is the majority opinion and judgement made by most Malaysians.

As a father and husband , I am repulsed by such a cowardly and shameful criminal violation of a person's privacy. We support you, be strong and not give in to this 'blackmail' so easily.

If we were to be silenced, then every woman, be it our mother, sister, wife or daughter will be easily subjected to blackmail and exploitation if they are photographed by spy cameras planted in bathrooms, changing rooms and public toilets.

We must all stand up against this abuse, protect our womenfolk for otherwise a woman is not safe even in her own home.

All matured-thinking Malaysians, should be utterly repulsed by this type of exploitation. An unsuspecting woman's privacy has been invaded and criminalised.

As for those leading the charge for Wong's resignation, perhaps they should be investigated as a possible conspirator in this criminal deed.

For these people, it is easy to have a smug smile on their faces that is until the same things happens to them!

The public knows they true colours and their ultimate motives. And as for the scumbag(s) who did this, we pray that you will be caught, face public condemnation and be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

Mei: YB Wong, please make a wise decision. Please do not allow an emotional matter to influence your logical decision.

The rakyat did not vote you in emotionally. Take a break and come back to seek justice for the rakyat .

Nobleman: ElizabethWong, please do not give in to Khir Toyo's manipulation. This guy is a wolf in sheep's skin. The world knows this so-called scandal id the work of desperate opposition members in Selangor.

The photos show a gross intrusion into your privacy. You did no wrong.

Any politician who advocates your resignation is reflecting gross ignorance on privacy and above all, exploitation. You are the victim of an underhanded assault on PKR.

You have performed remarkably well in the last 11 months and the people know it and feel it too. Please don't give up. Your services are much appreciated and you are loved by us.

Never before has any exco member ever commanded so much support from the general public like you.

If you try to walk down a street with Khir Toyo, I am sure you would receive plenty of flowers while Toyo might get as much - eggs. We support you all the way and may God bless you in this trying time.

TV Chin: Wong, we are strongly behind you. Do not just give up. Forget the stupid comments of the former MB of Selangor.

Being a voter in your constituency, my family, children and friends are supportive of you and your strong belief in bringing about a better place for us where fairness is practiced.

Albert Tye: Khir Toyo is asking the victim to resign! He did not mention anything about the culprit. What logic is this ?

I just hope that someone would film him when his pants are down.

G Loh: It is my hope that Malaysian society realises that the events surrounding Elizabeth Wong are not of her doing.

As a man, I wish to voice my utter disgust and condemnation for the person(s) responsible for such a despicable violation of trust and invasion of personal privacy.

In this matter, Elizabeth Wong has committed no crime, done no injustice to anyone other than to be a public representative of the people that put her there.

There must really be some ‘blackhearts' out there that need to stoop this low in order to attempt to discredit her.

Whatever their reasons, they did not have the courage to stand up and challenge her in public about their misgivings. This smacks of cowardice.

For Elizabeth: Stand tall. You have no need to be ashamed; you have nothing to apologise for and you have no need to resign.

You did no wrong and your privacy is yours alone. Malaysian society is more fair and just- minded than to be influenced by such gutter practices. Do not quit!

On Anwar: We'll decide after she returns from leave

YL: With regards to this nude photo controversy, I hope PKR's spin-masters take this opportunity to show that Malaysians have indeed matured in their thinking. It is a good move that Anwar is buying time for Wong.

But at the end of the 'extended leave', I hope that PKR makes a fresh-air statement.

I hope it will not be that, ‘.. with all sadness, YB Wong's resignation is accepted...' followed by a bunch of BN- bashing statements.

What I'd like - and I hope Malaysians will accept - is a statement that shows some backbone, one that will mark change and inspire future generations that gutter politics will not work.

The statement should be, ‘PKR states categorically that YB Wong has done nothing wrong and we stand by her. She is serving the rakyat well, and will continue to serve.

'We hope that Malaysians understand that a crime has been commited and YB Wong is the victim.

‘Victims should not be punished. We are not in the age where a woman's decency upon being violated has a price to pay. PKR has thus decided not to accept YB Wong's resignation.

‘We are PKR and this we believe this is indeed the adil thing to do. We are confident that Malaysians are with us on this one.'

Better would be, ‘We know Malaysians are with us on this one (crime, injustice etc.)

‘And to show that we operate by democratic principles, we have decided that we will accept YB Wong's resignation to trigger a by-election, and we will use that by-election as a referendum that we Malaysians stand by the victim by fielding YB Wong again as the candidate. Thank you!'

Not sure if re-fielding a candidate who resigns is allowed, but it will be a real kick in BN's face if she does win back the seat and with a bigger majority.

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