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COMMENT | I woke up this morning to find one unusual notification on Facebook. It read, “Din Merican mentioned you in a comment.”
I flipped.

Having followed his blog for quite some time, I must say that I have tremendous respect for Abang Din. He reminds me so much of Don Quixote, a chivalrous gentlemen who goes out to right wrongs and bring justice to the world – the only difference being, Abang Din does it through his writings.

Having someone I look up to mentioning little me in his widely-followed social media, was, if I may say, orgasmic.

Eagerly, I tapped on the notification and was brought to his Facebook wall.

“Fa Abdul, what are you up to these days? Time to get back to writing more serious stuff. Our country is in a sorry state. Apart from social problems, our politics is a big mess.”


“Serious stuff”.

I began wondering if he had read my recent article about public sex a few days ago.

“Good work, Fa. The country is being raped and you write an article about why people have sex in public!” I said to myself.

It was a facepalm moment for sure.

I made myself a cup of coffee and stood at my balcony, overseeing the same flats where the public sex incident I wrote about took place. Of course, there were no humping sessions scheduled at the time around the staircase area, but I was more engrossed in observing the people loitering on the ground floor of the low-cost flat next to my apartment block...

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