COMMENT | Allow me to begin with a quote from a recent judgement by judicial commissioner Raja Ahmad Mohzanuddin. His Lordship wrote: “‘No one could ever meet death for his country without the hope of immortality’ - Cicero.
“It is evident from this quotation by the greatest forensic orator Rome has ever produced that sacrificing and dying for one’s country was the highest form of honour and the sacrifices of the past must remain immortal in the minds of future generations.”
Fifteen excruciating years ago, on that fateful night of July 15 or early July 16, 2009, Teoh Beng Hock met his untimely death in the custody of the MACC at Plaza Masalam in Shah Alam, Selangor.
Yet, the circumstances of his death and the identity of the perpetrators remain elusive to his family and all Malaysians.