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I refer to the Malaysiakini report Isa scores landslide win, majority 5,435 .

Why is it this landslide BN win does not surprise anyone except those Pakatan Rakyat lobbyists? It is actually a simple conclusion - Pakatan just felt that the Indians were not so important anymore as seen in the events that took place in Kampung Buah Pala.

We all can condemn as much as we want, but Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak definitely proved to be the better politician than those in the opposition - at least in Bagan Pinang - as he knew how to embrace and court the Indians. Whereas the opposition became too big-headed and discarded the Indians.

Pakatan thought that through their ineffective Indian mandores, they will be harnessing support. They so naïve and blinded. Najib, on the other hand. inaugurated a runaway organisation (The Malaysian Makkal Sakthi Party) and better still, Dr Mahathir Mohamad endorsed it.

This proved that BN would rather work with these parties, even if they are one of the numerous Indian parties, and resolve the issues rather than depend on MIC, the so-called stalwart Indian community representative.

As for Pakatan, it is a simple ego thing. The minute you talk about Kampung Buah Pala, they take a defensive attitude and crucify the residents there rather than working with them. They do this for their own deficiencies or ulterior motives.

For Pakatan thought, Indians are, after all, a minority and those Indian mandores within their sphere could ensure their votes minus the transparency and truth in the people’s mandate for the change. How wrong has this been proven with the Bagan Pinang affair.

Whether Pakatan learns its lesson or not is not know but definitely BN has learned its lesson after 2008 general elections. It makes concrete efforts to embrace the Indians in whatever manner - even by breaking its own protocols - to ensure that it stays in power.

Bagan Pinang has been a bellwether for Pakatan as they sidetracked Indian issues. No doubt the BN government is known for its marginalisation and suppression of the Indians and for that reason, the Indians voted en bloc under the direction of Hindraf for the Pakatan coalition in the 12th general elections.

However, if Pakatan thinks that Indian issues can be derailed and put aside similar to that seen in Kampung Buah Pala, then they are no different from BN and the Indians would rather chose a known devil then an unknown devil.

How Pakatan will move ahead will depend very much on whether they are serious in addressing Indian Malaysian issues which are far more pressing than those of the economically-sound Chinese and the politically-assisted Malays, at least in the five Pakatan-ruled states.

And let me spare your mind a thing or two. Why does one with a Chinese name talk so much about an Indian issue? Simple, I am a Malaysian. My name does not matter but my intention for what the truth can do to better Malaysian society is more important.

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