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LETTER | PAS should practise what it preaches about diversity

LETTER | Aliran welcomes PAS’ recent call for all parties in Malaysia to advocate mutual respect between communities in our collective effort to foster national harmony and unity.

The party’s Lunar New Year message stressed that diversity, respect and understanding are vital for the nation’s survival.

PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan said dialogues would help resolve actions that undermine interfaith relations.

“Specifically, several recent incidents and controversies involving Islamic teachings, laws and Muslims’ dietary needs would not have occurred if all parties had respected and understood the boundaries and sensitivities of each community,” he was reported as saying.

These remarks are probably a veiled reference to recent controversies such as the recent KK Mart’s “ham label” episode at one of its outlets located in Universiti Malaya.

It appears the party would like non-Muslims to appreciate Muslim sensitivities, such as their dietary restrictions.

Slander, race-baiting

However, in the interest of fairness and goodwill, PAS should remember that respect must be earned and not be forced on others. Respect is also a two-way street and must be mutual.

Consider how certain PAS politicians have indulged in slandering other politicians, particularly those from the DAP. This has given rise to a certain level of suspicion and ill-feeling in society.

PAS secretary-general Takiyuddin Hassan

It also does not help when non-Muslims are collectively blamed for the endemic corruption in the country.

Remember how in 2022, PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang claimed that non-Muslims and non-bumiputera formed the majority of the “roots of corruption”. Such an assertion was hardly a recipe for mutual respect and understanding.

Surely, corruption is not confined to certain non-Muslims but cuts across all ethnic groups. Consider that globally infamous kleptocrat, now in prison.

Ethnic unity and a sense of belonging could also have been undermined when Hadi claimed that ethnic Malay voter apathy had enabled minorities and “liberals” to gain control of political power in the 2022 general election.

PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang

Perhaps, the party should heed the advice of its youth wing, who said that diversity allows us to learn about each other’s differences.

Diversity should not only be appreciated between ethnic communities but also within given communities to ensure inclusivity and mutual respect in society.

The various religious rituals and cultural practices of the country’s diverse communities, including its migrant population, ought to be respected as these would enrich society. No one should be targeted on account of such differences.

As the PAS Youth wing rightly pointed out, we must learn to celebrate our differences rather than allow them to be a cause for division.

This is what many civil society groups like Aliran have been saying, that diversity is an asset we should all celebrate and treasure in multi-ethnic Malaysia.

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