Because the judiciary is still tainted, yesterday’s Court of Appeal decision will not be seen as victory for Zambry but a defeat of the Malaysian people.
On Court of Appeal: Zambry is MB
Lim Chong Leong: The Court of Appeal decision in favour of Zambry over Nizar will not be well-accepted by the Malaysian public and will always be frowned upon.
Especially when the Salleh Abas saga and the Lingam Tape controversy remain unresolved and persons corrupting the judiciary not brought to book.
The judiciary will always be looked upon as servants to the BN administration if no serious effort is made to restore its independence.
Because the judiciary is still tainted, yesterday’s Court of Appeal decision will not be seen as victory for Zambry but a defeat of the Malaysian people.
I, for one, will not accept Zambry as my menteri besar.
PT HK: With regards to the appellate court’s decision, why am I not surprised?
Peter Ooi: The decision is expected. As I have always maintained, I do not have much hope in our judiciary.
I really empathise with Nizar, the rightfully elected MB by none other than Perakians.
On the other hand, Zambry should not get too carried away by the victory because BN were and are still rejected by the majority of the Perakians.
His grab for power can be likened to a forced marriage involving an unwilling bride.
BN being the spurned suitor is forcing the marriage onto Perakians. In such a situation, they, the BN, should be ashamed of their act.
Nizar should not waste any more time and money appealing. The outcome of the appeal is as good as forgone.
K Gan:
The perversity of the Court of Appeal decision is not lost on the people.If we follow their logic that there is no need to pass a vote to determine who has the confidence of the majority, why not apply it to by-elections to save time and money?
Each candidate's chances of winning can be statistically calculated with some sample interviews and the seat awarded to the candidate whom the EC believes commands the support of the majority.
The real court which matters is not Umno's court but the court of public opinion.
Instead of legitimising BN's power grab, the usurper's reputation has fallen even further in the public eye.
A government which dares not face the people but uses a compliant judiciary to enforce its power grab has no right to call itself legitimate.
KU: Since the debacle of 1988, the Malaysian judiciary has shown only rare glimpses of independence in cases important to the government.
Such a glimpse was afforded by High Court judge Abdul Aziz when he declared Nizar to be the rightful MB of Perak.
This miracle of justice, however, could not be sustained with the Court of Appeals granting a stay of execution with alacrity and then proceeding on to its very predictable verdict.
With the integrity of the judiciary sunk low in the court of public opinion, Malaysians will deride this politically motivated verdict which tears at the heart of constitutional monarchy.
Who decides whether Nizar has ceased to command the majority of confidence of the state assembly?
Surely this must be the state assembly itself and not the sultan undertaking his own investigations.
Somehow, the Court of Appeals has squirmed and slithered to reach a ludicrous conclusion. An appeal to the Federal Court is unlikely to bring joy to Nizar.
Judges are promoted not on merit but on their degree of compliance to BN which uses the judiciary as a tool of oppression and to make up for the loss of their two-thirds parliamentary majority.
Not even under Mahathir has the Malaysian judiciary sunk to such depravity and moral turpitude.