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How 'millions of ringgit' flew to Hong Kong
Published:  Oct 3, 2009 10:27 AM
Updated: 2:29 AM

vox populi small thumbnail 'Seems like there's so much information on this issue yet it takes so long to take action. Why?'

'Millions in bag': Report to be filed in Hong Kong

Tan Teng Wah : The government claims Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is modelled from the Independent Commission Against Corruption (ICAC). If you see how ICAC works, MACC has only copied some part of the form and certainly none of the substance.

AliBapak : As long as you are in Umno, you will be able to get away with anything and as long as Umno is in power, the great guys in MACC will not disturb these morons.

Loyal Malaysian : Will be interesting to see if this chap can escape justice! Whether Musa can be implicated remains to be seen.

Disgusted : Looks like these robbers and thieves will get away with the Umno government's help. Just like Muhd Muhd Taib did in Australia. It's time to kick BN out of Putrajaya. Let's begin with Bagan Pinang.

KayKay : Musa (Aman) has allegedly managed to get a letter from (Abdullah Ahmad) Badawi that the money in question was government money and therefore the question of money laundering does not arise. Whether this is indeed a fact is beside the point.

Globnet : We cannot simply say that Musa is involved in this case. Without any proof, we also don't know what happened and who is the real man involved in this case.

Dianne : Seems like there's so much information on this issue yet it takes so long to take action. Why? Is there some political agenda behind all this?

MIED case: Samy irked by slow response

Gandhi: I was under the impression that Asian Institute of Medicine, Science and Technology University (AIMST) and Maju Institute of Educational Development (MIED) were educational bodies setup by MIC for Indians. And now he says that he set it up as his personal NGOs.

He has totally wiped out the money collected from the Indians to help build AIMST. He should be hauled up and brought to court for misleading the Indians.

David : Samy Vellu, however, could not explain why the MIED accounts were not kept properly, audited and submitted for several years although he conceded that more attention should have been paid to the running of MIED. Well, what were the directors doing?

Indian : Let Samy roar and watch what the police do. Maybe there are other culprits involved. Let's wait and see.

Socialist : Samy, can you please ask MACC to re open your Maika, Telekom and TNB files and clear you from any wrongdoing? You can step down peacefully as a clean man and the Indian community will build a temple in your great name.

The great Penang debate

Allan Kong Sin Foong : Methinks this debate is a waste of time. Our honourable Lim Guan Eng should concentrate on his effort to improve Penang and let the cartoonish Koh Tsu Koon fade into oblivion.

Daniel Foon : Now why on earth would Lim classify documents as he has been busy de-classfying them since coming to office? Secondly, Koh just asked him a simple question: did PKR deliver on its promises?

What's so difficult? It's not that Koh asked conditions that could not be met. I think all you PKR supporters are running scared, for if it was the other way round, we all know what you all will say.

Bruce Yk: Please be clear that Penangites want a very clear picture of the case. It must be substantiated with records and facts and not otherwise. Debates are avenues to answer all the minutes that were effected by the government.

Go ahead with the debate and provide us the all the minutes of the whole thing through the press to enable us to evaluate it.

Ravi : Lim revealed Koh's "cards" long ago by making public all Gerakan state exco meeting minutes pertaining to Kampung Buah Pala recorded prior to March 8.

Now it's only fair that Lim reveal the DAP government's involvement in the Kampung Buah Pala fiasco after they came into power. If Lim insists on harping on transparency, he'd better walk the talk.

Ck: There should be no conditions attached for a debate. Koh now wants to be a hero and set conditions. The other party will also set conditions. In the end, the debate will be called off!