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Billions gone: 'You deserve the leaders you elect'
Published:  Nov 29, 2009 8:37 AM
Updated: 12:39 PM

vox populi small thumbnail 'They are not leaders but robbers in suits who robbed the rakyat's money and then used the state apparatus to prevent anyone from bringing them to justice.'

How the gov't 'looted' up to US$100 bil

Ezilan: They are not leaders but robbers in suits who robbed the rakyat's money and then used the state apparatus to prevent anyone from bringing them to justice. Thieves, in the name of ‘Agama, Bangsa and Negara'. Malaysians are truly suckers.

Md Imraz Muhammed Ikhbal: Yet the majority of the idiots will still vote BN back to power just so that it could squander more of rakyat's wealth. Don't believe, sit back, watch and see! I guess there is just no limit to the stupidity of BN supporters. Like I said before, the rakyat deserve the leaders they elect!

Freemsia: And Umno still have the face to say that our country has "progressed by leap and bounds" ... with all this happening. I am just wondering when all of this will take its toll.

SusahKes: And to think that there are still people out there who want Umno to remain in power. Sigh...

Wong Chee Kong: Many of us had asked many times why Singapore, a small island without the wealth of resources that Malaysia is blessed with, can be so much stronger in terms of foreign reserves and whatnot when compared with Malaysia.

Food for thought over the long weekend. Another scandal brewing up? Visit Matthias Chang's at his Future Fast Forward site to find out more. God bless Malaysia, its people and more importantly their money!

Eric Koay: What will happen to Malaysia? I read this article with despair. And we are complaining about corruption in China. For what I see, Malaysia is far worse than China. In China, the communists rule, but in Malaysia, bandits are in charge. But even bandits wouldn't steal from his own house. BN/Umno is the worst kind of bandits.

'Haul up Negeri MB for questioning too'

Chuath: How in the world can a government servant come by so much money? We should all be lining up to apply for jobs with the government. On the bright side, I guess Mohamad Hasan speaks English and understands banking law, or else he would have carried all the money to England in a suitcase as one other of our minister did in Australia.

Bapak Toyol: MACC will not investigate because no cows were involved in this transaction.

Brij Jayaram Kathiravelu: In my opinion, the opposition members would have been tipped off to the Negeri Sembilan MB's money transfer by Umno insiders allied to Mohd Isa Samad who is 'itching' for the MB position after his recent win in the Bagan Pinang by-election.

No way the opposition would have been privy to this 'transaction' without the 'help' of some inside information. I bet, Bank Negara knew of this transaction before the opposition blew the 'whistle'. Period.

Tan Min Fui: RM10 million is only the tip of the iceberg. I am sure (as the rest of the rakyat will agree) that there are many more cases like this that have gone "knowingly" unreported. The money changer has been punished for breaking the law. But why hasn't the MB been punished?

Why is the investigations on the MB taking so long while investigations on the money-changer was completed and punishment meted out in double quick time? If the money-changer is guilty of breaching the law, so has the MB.

Is the Bank Negara (BN) waiting for instructions from the the other BN (Barisan Nasional)? It is obvious that all government agencies in Malaysia (even in Selangor and other Pakatan states) are under instructions from BN.

Ranjit Singh: I just can't resist in commenting about this. So many opinions on the matter of money. Let's look at the Penan issue in Sarawak, probably you will get some lost soul for sake of humanity to voice some concern but the rest, ‘not my affair, who cares'.

Who is to be blamed - the system or the type of mentality that has been imbedded within the community? How can the system change when we the public would not take an active role to put aside some time of our life for the community other than addressing the grievances only through our comfortable sofa.

My dear Malaysians, you want to make a change, and hope the changes transpire, then get down to the field and see the state of our nation. This can only happen if you get off your butt.

True Malaysian: MACC ‘zzzzzz' or is it waiting for instructions from the AG, who is waiting for instructions from Umno (PM Najib), who does not want to give instructions because he and Fat Mama are in deep shit themselves because of Bala's latest revelation?

In the meantime, Umnoputeras and cronies continue their merry ways of plundering the rakyat money the best way they can. They want the rest to "close one eye".

Frankie Tan: Our country is bless with bountiful natural resources. After 50 years of plundering and siphoning out, where else will they look to? Just imagine the Matrade Convention Hall is worth over RM600 million swap with a piece of prime government land worth only RM190 million as claim by a minister. In actual fact, it's worth over RM1 billion, says a market analyst.

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