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Don't take the bait of the hatemongers
Published:  Sep 21, 2012 9:54 AM
Updated: 1:57 AM

YOURSAY 'Ngeh may have not used the correct words, but I am sure this is what he was trying to say. Hit back if you must, quietly and smartly.'

KJ: Lim's inaction against Ngeh reflects DAP's stance

your say Starr: There is nothing wrong in questioning the need of Muslims to protest against the anti-Islam film. The spontaneous violent reaction across the globe has raised serious concerns about the extreme elements within Islamic communities, not least by the Muslims themselves.

Some have gone further to raise serious concerns about Islam as a religion of peace, love and tolerance. The anti-Islam film has been criticised by Muslims and non-Muslims alike across the globe, but the violent reaction as seen in the media is quite another matter altogether.

In fact, it is being seen as badly as the anti-Muslim film itself. Indeed, it has done more damage to Islam than the film it purportedly protests. Does it make sense at all?

If Muslims are going to react to any material purportedly depicting a negative image of the religion, the community would be protesting every day in the streets. In matters of religion, there's nothing like allowing good sense and goodwill to prevail.

Jk7462000 : A number innocent persons who have absolutely nothing to do with the controversial video have died because of this issue.

If everyone is level headed and had dismissed that video as a non-event, the whole thing would have just blown over. No lives would have been lost.

The idiot who made and posted that video would also have realised that his perverted idea does not hold water in a mature world. Talk about a self-fulfilling prophecy. And some wonder why the world's ‘untrue perception' of the Muslims is so negative.

And does Umno Youth chief Khairy Jamaluddin have nothing better to do but to keep attempting to harp on this?

Vijay47: Mr Know-it-all Smart-alec Khairy Jamaluddin, who says that what Perak DAP chief Ngeh Khoo Ham tweeted is unacceptable?

It might be unacceptable to you since you were exposed as the political opportunist that you are. Are you trying to imply that you have now assumed some divine or imperial attribute that places you above the realm of condemnation by mere mortals?

To quote your own words, Ngeh spoke out against the protests. How in heaven's name is that tantamount to an attack on Islam and Muslim sensitivities, Caesar?

Perhaps if you put aside your political hat and viewed things rationally with some humility and intelligence, you might be able to see matters in their true perspective. Considering that you are who you are, that might be too much to ask.

Sarajun Hoda: Collectively, these hatemongers form a global industry of outrage, working feverishly to give and take offense, frequently over religion, and to ignite the combustible mix of ignorance and suspicion that exists almost as much in the United States as in the Arab world.

Add to this combination, the presence of opportunistic jihadist groups seeking to capitalise on any mayhem, and you can begin to connect the dots. If Muslims responded violently to every online insult to their faith, there would be riots in Cairo and Benghazi every day of the year.

The Internet is full of malefactors who constantly say, write or broadcast appalling things about Islam (and there are plenty of Muslim web nuts who vilify other belief systems as well). It is the outrage machine that pushes matters into the anger overdrive. They know the outcome of their efforts will be violence and subversion.

Why go after Ngeh? Yes, Islamic hatemongers create 'baits' for Muslims to react, then demonise Islam as a religion of terror. What this film has shown is a shameful, filthy and intense hatred against the sanctity of Islam and the perpetrator should not be forgiven.

But yes, they provoked the Muslims and the Muslims conveniently fell into their trap. Then what you get are burnings and killings and damage to properties. The producer of the film and the group behind it in a way has made a fool of Muslims, who took their bait.

A little use of intelligence will tell outraged Muslims to be smarter. The more you react, the more those hatemongers laugh at us, and get encouraged to provoke further.

Ngeh may have not used the correct words, but I am sure this is what he was trying to say. Don't take the bait of the hatemongers. Hit back if you must, quietly and smartly.

Apa Ini?: A sensible father would advise his children to pray for calm and not go out and inflame passions with demonstrations that have proven violent and caused death and destruction to fellow protesters and the public in many places, and which will not bring any glory to Allah.

Khairy, your agenda is purely political. Ngeh is right: Why waste all that energy on one stupid filmmaker? You do dishonour to Allah with your politically motivated show of loyalty. And if chaos ensues, you shall be doubly guilty.

NX: Khairy, your boss tends to keep quiet over all the atrocities committed by the young Napoleons in Umno, so why don't you advise your boss before preaching unto others?

Under pressure, Ngeh apologises over tweet

Kim Quek: The making of this film is certainly deplorable, as no one should insult a religion in such foul manner. But so is the burning and killing and destruction of property directed at a certain country, simply because such a film was made.

Why? Because the film was a shoddy product of an immoral individual with no connection to any government, so why should embassies be burned and nationals of a certain country be attacked?

At such emotional times, shouldn't we let our reasoning, rather than emotions, to dictate our course of action?

ForTheNation: It's a film made by an individual, not the US government. Why protest at the US embassy? And why commit acts of violence against persons who are not involved in the making of the film? What is going on now doesn't make sense.

May: Syabas, Ngeh, way to go! Though it's clear for all to see that there was no malice on your part, apologising does soothe many hearts and ends the spinning by those with evil minds.

Anonymous #84319416: It is good that you apologise. Your intentions might be good, from what I see from your explanation, but then we have to be careful with what we say as it can be sensitive to some.

It is sad to see this movie clip emerge from a person who do not have a sound mind or who has now created unnecessary pain to the innocents.

Unidentified: Ngeh, if you don't have anything intelligent to say, then next time just shut your big mouth. You just made BN look good. What a clown.

NH Gong: Are you looking for dumb leaders? It's good that we do have brave leaders who can speak up for the oppressed and the suppressed. Dumb fools can just keep quiet as they have always been doing.

Ngeh, carry on speaking out loudly and fearlessly. It's not amusing how many cowards make noise anonymously, refuse to be identified and look for rewards at the opportune time.

Kheng: Well done Ngeh, apologise and let matters rest. Next time, think hard before you tweet on any subject matter that may be taken out of context by your opponents.


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