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YOURSAY Waytha, publish the proposal you presented to the PM and let public be judge.

Hisham joins 'Waytha-whacking' tweet crew

Vijay47: As is to be expected from leaders like him, Defence Minister Hishammuddin Hussein reflects the typical arrogant bullying ‘ketuanan’ attitude representative of Umno thugs, spiced no doubt with the usual lack of intelligence.

Not that I wish to defend former deputy minister P Waythamoorthy, but Hishammuddin, you suggest that Waythmoorthy's crimes includes impatience since nothing can be achieved in nine months.

What is the expected period of effective waiting, another 50 years? You grandly state that BN will "continue to help the Indian community". Continue? When did BN ever start?

You drop a few crumbs their way and expect the Indians to be eternally grateful for your generosity and fair play?

To justify your outrage and to put matters in the correct perspective, give us the actual numbers for aid given to each community, including for religious purposes, in the last five years.

If that is too much for you, then at least in the last nine months. And just to remind you, nothing happened even after 16 meetings with Najib.

KS Thiran: Further lies from the cabinet. Can you please enlighten us how being in the cabinet for nine months without any allocation be insincere and selfish.

Do you know the meaning of insincere and selfish? If Waytha was selfish, he wouldn’t have to quit in the first place.

He would have enjoyed all the benefits and remain there. He is championing a sincere cause and please don’t fool us by telling some stories.

Anticommunalist: Waythamoorthy said, "During the many discussions I had with the prime minister, I laid out clearly why the various ministries in the government failed to deliver to the Indian community.

“An example is the Education Ministry’s failure to provide Tamil schools with proper infrastructure and the lack of scholarships and education placement in public universities and matriculation.

“The Agriculture Ministry for example failed to provide alternatives for the displaced plantation workers.

“The relevant government agencies and menteri besars of the various states failed to provide land both for economic as well as settlement of Indian labourers displaced from estates after having served the nation four or five generations.

“The cumulative failures of the various ministries were the reason why the prime minister agreed to Hindraf’s proposal for a special unit with the necessary budget."

Hishammudin has been a cabinet minister for more than 15 years. If I was him, I will do more than resign - perhaps bury my head in the sand in embarrassment in seeing the predicament Indians are in today

SSG: It is my considered opinion the Waythamoorthy walked into a trap.

SpongeBob : At least Waytha had the decency to resign to cover up his failure. But you, Hishammuddin and his cousin brother were thick skinned not to resign for failing to uplift the poor Malays.

Instead, both of you are living beyond your means and manipulating the Malays using religion as a political tool. So, you are not any better or holier!

Shanandoah: Only idiots will believe what Hishammudin said. The Indians have been sacrificed for Umno Baru Malays to progress.

Tell us, Hishammuddin, were the Indians in this sorry state during his father's time. The Indians have been cheated and deceived by supporting BN.

They have no hope by remaining in Umno Baru leadership. Persatuan Hindraf Malaysia (PHM) has just learnt a sorry lesson for helping them win in the last elections.

Fernz: Hishammuddin is saying a lot but there's no substance in whatever he's saying. What does he mean by “insincere and selfish”? Spell it out. Don't make sweeping statements devoid of content.

The issue is simple. If the Umno/MIC/BN government had been doing everything that they can possibly do for the Indian community in Malaya, they would not have signed the MOU with Hindraf last May.

The focus here is on the 800,000 displaced estate workers and the 350,000 stateless persons of Indian origin. Having signed the MOU, Umno didn't give Waytha's unit a budget to work with and a proper staff.

The Finance Ministry can hold the money but the unit must have a budget and staff. PM Najib Razak, Sports and Youth Minister Khairy Jamaluddin and others in BN including MIC are all lying through their teeth.

Oracle: Waytha, publish the proposal you presented to the PM and let the public evaluate it. If it was as good as you say, then that will stop the insults.

Sleepy: Hishammuddin and KJ knows they have lost the Chinese and Indian voters. They hope to salvage Malay voters by creating non-issues of race, religion and royalty but it is a dying cause.

Which part of Hindraf MOU has gov't honoured?

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