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Zahid, try looking at yourself in the mirror

YOURSAY ‘This is the same home minister who 'threatened' journalists.’


Zahid: Hate-spewing Net users threaten nation


Gunnerrun: Home Minister Ahmad Zahid Hamidi, Malaysia cannot remain in the dark ages and deny Internet's place in the modern world. Change is inevitable.


You should be glad our Internet connection is way behind even some of our neighbours and other third world countries. Spewing hatred is very much your party's work and agenda which keeps churning dirt and unpalatable racist diatribe.


There's an army of sites out there that keep writing ridiculous and nonsensical stuff, playing up issues and turning them into racist-slanted garbage and threatening other races while claiming that the majority race has been robbed of their rights and privileges. What gives?


Sali Tambap: Good. The Internet acts like a watchdog. At the same time, the government, being the power of the day, must be transparent and honest, so that correct information will be transmitted to the people.


Those days where government stifled and hid information were long gone. Thus more and more countries have to be more open and accountable to the public.


Information is power and dictatorships rely on that power by withholding information. We should use law like OSA (Official Secrets Act) sparingly and when really necessary. As it is now, sometimes it is being used merely to hide corrupt practices and contracts.


Abasir: "Unlike other countries, Malaysia was not a single-raced country, and being a multi-racial and multi-religious nation, the government had to monitor Internet activities and put a check to such unpleasant deeds," said Zahid.


Idiot. Australia, the land of immigrants and proudly so, is far more multi-ethnic with sizable ‘pendatang’ communities from almost all the major ethnic groups in the world. And it is free, civilised and a holiday haven for Umno leaders with their ill-gotten wealth.


Kilgore: Almost all countries today are multi-racial and multi-religious, though virtually none are ignorant enough to give one race higher status. That only guarantees perpetual discontent and instability.


Malaysia is unique because it is run by the least intelligent individuals in the country.


Apa Ini?: The Internet works both ways. Honest citizens use it as well as less than honest ones. Zahid must understand it; Umno too has exploited it with its well-paid agents at its disposal.


HC: The Internet and its ability to reach out to everyone with access to it is the greatest threat to the survival of Umno and BN.

I guess Zahid's just read the increases in Internet penetration data for Sabah and Sarawak and just needed to do something.


Jbsuara: Can you believe him? This is the same home minister who ' threatened ' journalists and call citizens to leave if they disagree with the powers-that-be.


He should look into the mirror first before pointing fingers elsewhere.


Mushiro: The Umno government is not capable of being fair and so far it has only encouraged elements that are disastrous to nation-building.


Zahid is confused between those attacking Umno and attacking the nation. Many people attack Umno for its corrupt practices, misrule, mismanagement and cheating in the GE. Hardly anyone attacks the nation.


VinceLim: "Freedom of speech" doesn't mean you can say whatever you want. There is a fine line between the freedom to express yourself and the law. And you shouldn't cross it just to please yourself.


Remember, other people also have the right to defend themselves according to the law.


Disgusted: The government may not be a hooligan but he and some ministers, deputy ministers and MPs in Umno act like hooligans in addition to Umno Youth as well as right-wing NGOs.


Sometimes they say this country is not a single-race country, but a multiracial and multi-religious nation, and other times they say this country is Tanah Melayu and that Malays are the original people and the rest are ‘pendatangs’.


And therefore ‘Ketuanan Melayu’ must be recognised and the rest must be subservient to them and no one should question whatever they do. Which is which?  


Anonymous_1412612651: Look at Indonesia. It has people of various ethnicities, yet they are a shining example of acceptance of all citizens.


The recent election of a Chinese, Basuki Tjahaja Purnama - popularly known as 'Ahok' - as mayor of Jakarta, emphasis this fact.


The Indonesians are confident with themselves. The ruling elite here are just stoking racial hatred. Will they learn from our neighbours? Alas no.


Siang Malam: Zahid, your original home of Ponorogo in East Java is part of Indonesia with 14,000 islands and they are united and much much less interracial problems... think about it.


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