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Nur Jazlan: BN MPs stand to lose over RM2.6 bil issue
Published:  Sep 6, 2015 4:38 PM
Updated: 10:11 AM

The RM2.6 billion banked into Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's account is a major electoral threat which could cost many BN MPs their seats, said Deputy Home Minister Nur Jazlan Mohamed.

He said if the issue is allowed to fester until the next general election, the Pulai MP said some BN parliamentarians like himself would be the first to go.

"The (winning) majority in my seat is very small and I represent an urban area so I can actually lose my seat. Not because of my own performance but because this issue is hanging over and will permeate.

"At first it is confined to the urban people, then it will go down to the rural people especially in Peninsula and then Sabah and Sarawak. We don’t know.

"And there is the impact of the silent voters. They may show it openly in demonstrations or they may only show it in the general election, which is sad at a time when the opposition is leaderless," he lamented.

He also reiterated that his appointment as deputy home minister is also something which will cost him his seat.

This is because it meant relinquishing his post as chairperson of the Public Accounts Committee, thus causing a freeze in PAC proceedings on state investment firm 1Malaysia Development Bhd.

"Because people are still angry with me today. But hopefully election are going to be held later and by then I would have done a lot of work to close the gap which I believe I can.

"People who are angry with me in the PAC. The PAC will start again in October and there will be a new team and people can’t blame me anymore," he was quoted as saying in an interview published in The Star today.

Nur Jazlan was referring to the July 28 cabinet reshuffle, where he had to relinquish his post as PAC chairperson to take up his appointment.

This caused a public outcry, as the appointment was made just days before a crucial PAC hearing where current and former 1MDB chief executives are expected to testify.

'PM giving drips of info'

As for Najib’s handling for the scandal surrounding him, Nur Jazlan opined that Najib should respond to the issue in one go instead of providing "drips of information".

"This is the problem with the whole thing. I don’t know if PM realises it or not. But he has got to answer everything one shot instead of responding in drips of information.

"That was one of the main problems for us at the PAC. Because once we go on one path then something new crops up which takes us in a different direction.

"Now the RM 2.6 bil (donation) takes us in a different direction. The SRC takes us in a different direction.

"Until all these issues can be pinned down and answered one shot – whether it is satisfactory to the public or not – at least if there are some explanations provided that are credible enough, then this perception won’t be there," he said.

He was referring to SRC International Sdn Bhd, a one-time subsidiary of 1Malaysia Development Bhd (1MDB).

The Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission is investigating claims that RM42 million was transferred from SRC to PM Najib’s bank account.

The anti-graft body earlier established that the RM2.6 billion also found in Najib’s bank account was from a Middle Eastern source and not 1MDB.

Najib denied taking public funds for private use.

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