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Next time, try dropping red balloons instead

YOURSAY ‘Ali Tinju goes free, Bilqis goes to court? Yes, good show by the new AG.’

Artist to be charged over yellow balloons for Najib, Rosmah

Ferdtan: In the bid to punish artist Bilqis Hijjas for dropping harmless balloons, the BN government has instead turned itself into joke.

Though the penalty is only up to RM100, we hope Bilqis will not take the easy way out by pleading guilty and pay the fine.

Please Bilqis, fight it out for the sake of the rakyat. This will definitely show how ridiculous the Najib Razak government has become.

Not Smart: Mr New AG (Mohamed Apandi Ali), how did you arrived at this decision of “insulting behaviour” with intent to provoke breach of peace for merely dropping balloons on Najib and his wife, Rosmah Mansor?

Based on this justification of yours, what would you consider the rowdy behaviour, offensive placards and abusive words and almost causing a riot in Petaling Street at the Sept 16 red shirt rally?

Anonymous #03815719: Ali Tinju goes free , Bilqis goes to court? Yes, good show by the new AG.

Justice Pao: Ali Tinju, who made all sorts of racist remarks with plenty of evidence on the Internet, has charges against him dropped while a person releasing yellow balloons with the words - ‘Justice’, ‘Democracy’ - is charged for “insulting behaviour” with intent to provoke breach of peace.

Who actually provoked a breach of peace - Ali Tinju or Bilqis? Or are the words ‘Justice’ and ‘Democracy’ insulting to Umno? Is the colour of yellow a threat to Najib and Rosmah?

Vijay47: Sometimes I wonder whether Najib really knows what is going on around him, whether he is aware what his public relations team is doing to help him regain his lost and destroyed image.

Nobody can deny him his right to action if he has indeed been slandered, but right now, with an almost untold number of unsavoury issues involving him, yellow balloons should be the last thing on his mind.

All that he has achieved is to be again in the public eye for the most ridiculous of reasons. It would have been a real PR coup for him if instead of initiating this crazy prosecution, he had simply laughed and waved away the balloons.

I suppose his hit parade does not include "Tie a yellow ribbon round the old oak tree".

CQ Muar: This is a country where minor offenders are charged and detained, while the real crooks roam free.

If the police are sincere and responsible in discharging their duties, they would be able to discern between right and wrong.

But no, these law enforcers who call themselves the 'royal' police are acting like despotic slaves to their dictatorial master.

The plight of the ordinary citizens is blatantly ignored. It is a sad and deplorable state Malaysia had degenerated into.

The only hope and answer for this country is to overthrow the present regime in the next general election.

To do so, Malaysians must discard their habit of accepting crumbs (monetary gifts) offered to them, and make a brave stand for change.

Dont Just Talk: The man who received US$700 million ‘derma’ (donation) in his personal bank account is walking around free while Bilqis is charged for dropping yellow balloons during an event in a shopping mall.

Since when is dropping yellow balloons or wearing yellow T-shirts an offence in Malaysia? Simply amazing.

WDA: So the ‘Bugis warrior’ is feeling threatened by yellow T-shirts and yellow balloons? This is the same guy who avoided the Nothing2Hide forum when he found out that former PM Dr Mahathir Mohamad was going to be present.

And he did it again at the International Anti-Corruption Conference (IACC) by asking Integrity Minister Paul Low to speak on his behalf because he could not face the expected tough questioning from the delegates.

How can this guy run a country if he is afraid of his own shadow? How long can he keep running?

JD Lovrenciear: It takes a mere RM100 to make up for having frightened the hell out of both husband and wife.

But they forget that the ‘missing’ billions of ringgit is driving Malaysians into the nightmarish hell of a future that is going to haunt us for generations to come.

Do they know ‘the fine’ the citizens will impose on them?

Anonymous_1419577444: The New York Times and Washington Post should get hold of this piece of news and publish it.

Riding on the back of the news of a federal grand jury investigation a few days ago, this will put Najib in extremely bad light and make him a global laughing stock.

Anonymous_40f4: Next time, one must drop red balloons with the words ‘Cina Babi’ on them. Will Najib and Rosmah be happy?

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