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YOURSAY | ‘Of course, Najib is the chosen one to lead the country.’

Najib is God's chosen one, says Umno MP

Roguekiller: Jerlun MP Othman Aziz, your boss is being attacked from all directions; why is that?

Because, firstly, he does not manage the country as well as all previous PMs. Secondly, he is a compulsive liar and thirdly, he doesn't own up to his mistakes, and thus dishonest.

God puts people to the test and it looks like he failed it. That's why he is being attacked left, right and centre.

CQ Muar: Of course, Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak is the chosen one by God to lead the country.

Out of the 31 million population, he was singled out to be the PM of this highly corrupted government. And, it is for this reason that God will be choosing him for questioning over the crimes and sins he had allegedly committed.

Othman Aziz, for all your effort and those praiseworthy compliments you had showered on Najib, rest assured you'd be offered a cut of the RM2.6 billion safely tucked away in Najib's account.

Vijay47: Despite my rather limited religious exposure, I believe that the Bible, Bhagavad Gita, Quran, and Torah - in fact all the good books - have already been written.

So where do we place the life and adventures of our newly revealed deity? This is a mystery truly of biblical proportions.

But to turn things to a more secular level, it is well-known that when Pied Piper plays a merry tune of 2.6 billion notes, he will find followers rodent or otherwise in their thousands, all strengthened by their faith that their new god is a generous one, most willing to share his untold riches with those who walk in his shadow.

For his next act, Najib will be heading to the Middle East where he will part the Red Sea. Should he encounter any problem in working this miracle previously achieved by one Musa, the crowd is advised not to let it confuse them or weaken their faith.

P Dev Anand Pillai : This is the kind of behaviour that the ruling elite in Umno have always wanted to enforce.

The Malays will continuously be cowed to submission for as long as beliefs such as this flow thickly in their feudal veins.

The moment they try waking up, they will be threatened with the illusionary ‘Chinese dominance’ by their very own chosen leaders.

Like the Germans and the Japanese before and during the first and second world wars, the Malays will one day learn that they have been led astray by their very own.

Till that day comes, this is the indoctrination and self-glorifying propaganda that we would have to bear.

Pahatian: I tend to agree with Othman Aziz. If not, how would we explain the RM2.6 billion in the PM's personal account?

It is no more a donation. It is god sent.

Higher cost of living inevitable, says minister

Mojo Jojo: What sort of developed nation would we be when prices of goods and services are on a steep rise while salary increments are minuscule?

This means that the real purchasing power of Malaysians citizens is on the decline and that we are worse off than before.

Also, what is this purported connection between higher prices (inflation) and advanced infrastructure? Zimbabwe's inflation rate, for instance, was several million percent in 2008, but the country is still one of the most underdeveloped states in the world.

If cost of living within the nation is due to market forces, few among us would growl and hound the government for the hardship we experience.

However, a large part of why the country is falling on hard times is because of the lack of investor confidence. Why, you might ask?

Domestic Trade, Co-operatives and Consumerism Minister Hamzah Zainuddin, look no further than your boss.

Worried Sick: Hamzah said the higher cost of living cannot be avoided.

“But you must understand that my ministry is actually not directly looking after all those things that have been introduced in this country,” he said.

However, Hamzah stressed, he would discuss the matter with the relevant quarters to ensure that any more price increases would have his understanding and approval first.

Ladies and gentlemen, double-speak at its best. Period.

Abasir: What? Higher cost of living cannot be avoided? Even though it is directly impacting the dignity of the Malays?

In any case, everyone, especially those at the Umno general assembly, should be pleased that "price hikes would have Hamzah's understanding or approval first".

That would somehow ease the pain.

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