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Ali Tinju deserves more than just discipline

COMMENT I was pleasantly surprised by the timely statement made by the Malaysian Armed Forces Veterans Association (PVATM) over its “invincible” member Mohd Ali Baharom, who is notoriously known as Ali Tinju.

All along, it had never occurred to me that the PVATM was unhappy with the ‘thug-like character’ who has brought down the dignity of the Malays to that as low as the gangsters on the streets. Even gangsters have their ethics, but Ali Tinju appears to be always fired-up with the smallest issue.

Not until recently when the PVATM issued a statement condemning the behaviours of Ali Tinju did I realise that this army veteran was being monitored by the PVATM executive council.

Ali Tinju is a staunch supporter of Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak, therefore, we did not expect anyone to touch him.

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