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Guan Eng refuses to go on leave, raps critics
Published:  Mar 23, 2016 1:00 PM
Updated: 7:31 AM

Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng has refused to go on leave pending investigations by the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) into his purchase of a bungalow below market price.

“I do not see why I should go on leave for blatantly false allegations against me, and when I have no influence and control over MACC investigations or on the attorney-general, who exercises full prosecution powers. Only the prime minister exercises authority over both MACC and the attorney-general.

“If a menteri besar or chief minister is required to go on leave every time a corruption report is lodged, even frivolous and baseless ones, this can be used as a political weapon. Everyone then has to go on leave,” he said in a media statement.

Lim also took his critics to task, namely those from PAS and Umno who were demanding that he goes on leave.

He said these quarters did not make such calls with regard to Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.

“I am not surprised at PAS and Umno joining hands together....

“Both BN and PAS did not make the same demands to the prime minister to go on leave, when the prime minister was discovered with RM2.6 billion in donation in his personal bank account,” he added.

Lim also noted how the late Kelantan menteri besar Nik Abdul Aziz Nik Mat was investigated by MACC on false charges of corruption in 2009.

He said nobody had asked Nik Aziz to go on leave then because the latter had no control or authority over MACC and the charges were baseless.

Though describing the reports as a “conspiracy to character assassinate and destroy” him politically, Lim however pledged full cooperation.

“I will leave it to MACC to conduct investigations and would press them to complete it speedily so that my name and the state government’s name can be cleared,” he said.

On the same note, the chief minister said he was willing to discuss the background of the allegations against him with independent and neutral parties, so they can get the true picture.

Lim also took a swipe at the media over their reporting the matter.

“I urge supporters to be patient in the face of ferocious attacks by TV3 against me with 30 minutes nightly news highlights while downplaying the huge RM100 million corruption scandal in the Youth and Sports Ministry.

“It is not surprising that the BN-controlled English and Malay media are demonising me daily. Some Chinese papers are also acting in concert with the BN media.

“I have faith that the people are not so gullible and can differentiate truth from lies as well as who has or has not stood up for integrity and fought against corruption,” he added.

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