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Rohingya man jailed for protest suicide attempt

A Rohingya man who gave up on life and wanted to set himself ablaze in a show of protest over the killings of the Rohingya in Myanmar was sentenced to three months’ jail by the Magistrate’s Court here today for attempting suicide.

“I want to set fire to myself. There’s no meaning to life anymore,” the man screamed, while pouring a container of petrol onto himself.

Magistrate Ahmad Solihin Abd Wahid handed down the sentence on Ali Juhar Jamal Hussin, 19, after he pleaded guilty to the charge.

Ali Juhar was also sentenced to another three months’ jail for entering the country without valid travel documents. Both the jail sentences will served concurrently from the date of his arrest on Aug 30 this year.

"I am sad. I am alone in this world. My family members are all dead, either bombed or killed by the (Myanmar) soldiers,” he said when Ahmad Solihin asked him why he acted in such a manner.

Ali Juhar was charged with committing both offences near the Myanmar Embassy near the Ampang Park LRT station, Dang Wangi at 11.30am last Aug 30.

The charge for attempted suicide, under Section 309 of the Penal Code, provides an imprisonment for up to a year, or fine, or both, upon conviction.

Deputy public prosecutor Noorelynna Hanim Abd Halim prosecuted.

According to the facts of the case, police had seen a group of Rohingya men staging a protest while holding a banner that said “Stop Killing Rohingya From Arakan" and then saw a man pouring petrol on himself.

- Bernama


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