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YOURSAY | Govt must be proactive about Trump's tariffs

YOURSAY | ‘Prepare a risk management system should M'sian products be hit by US tariffs.’

Rafidah: Putrajaya must swiftly assess impact of Trump's tariffs

TMataz: Former trade minister Rafidah Aziz is right. We can’t wait to see what happens. We need to be proactive and confront the wrecking train that’s coming to us.

The warning signs are there, the US probing how Deepseek got the US chips, and accusing Singapore and possibly Malaysia.

The prime minister’s officer or Investment, Trade, and Industry Ministry needs to set up a high-level monitoring committee to ensure Malaysia doesn’t get blindsided by any actions taken by Washington DC.

We need to work closely with US-owned businesses that invested in Malaysia, especially how to navigate the tariff issues under the Donald Trump administration, so we can protect our interests, for example seeking import tariff exemptions for US-owned products manufactured in Malaysia.

Malaysia and the US Embassy also need to collaborate to set up a task force to ensure that all Malaysian-owned companies are complying with the post-Trump US import regulations.

Milshah: The US, though a powerful country, is only one country. I think the US already have their hands full with their trade war with Canada, Mexico and China.

Of all the countries, the US chose to have a trade war with China. Would the US want to increase the trade war to cover Malaysia as well? I don’t think so.

What will happen is that those countries that have a trade war with the US will band together to help lessen the impact on their economies and maximise the impact on the US economy.

Malaysia is already part of Brics. Malaysia can trade within Brics.

The chances of tariffs on Malaysian products are remote. It’s a stupid strategy as it will only cause the whole world to go against the US. But Trump is unpredictable.

So I agree, that Putrajaya needs to prepare a risk management system should Malaysian products be hit by US tariffs.

EmEmKay: The tariffs have significant implications for various sectors in Malaysia, and our government must prioritise understanding and mitigating these effects.

I urge our prime minister to accord more attention to this pressing issue, as it directly affects the livelihoods of many Malaysians.

RedMarlin1833: Listen to Rafidah whether you like her or not. She did a good job when she was at the helm.

However, I am sure someone from PKR will come out with blazing guns to say “She is wrong“, the same way they blasted her when she said “Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim should take care of Malaysia first” when aid to Gaza was announced!

Dump your ego. Only the common people will suffer, not people like you with fat paycheques.

Koel: Rafidah appears more alert to international developments in business, trade and economy.

What do these executive orders rolled out in the US mean for the rest of us, including Malaysia?

How is this country and the region making a pivot to survive the negative outcomes of these orders?

Why is this government not keeping the public informed on such matters?

These are urgent concerns and while the rest of the world is concerned about the direct and indirect implications of such tariffs, our brilliant politicians are running after a stand-up comedian or engaging in a juvenile inter-party shouting match or waxing lyrical about Gaza!

World Citizen: Timely reminder to Madani government. Hopefully, Madani has time to look at this issue seriously instead of focusing on building schools, hospitals and mosques in Gaza.

It is also bizarre that a former minister has to remind the government of this.

Determined Sarawakian: Rafidah, you shouldn’t be overly concerned.

The tariffs affected are mostly Canadian fossil fuel, which is a requirement for American refineries to cleanse their crude, American-built vehicles in Canada and Mexico, and the number one problem, is pharmaceuticals, from Canada, Mexico, and China.

Fentanyl is an American drug obsession and problem. The repercussions are their bilateral trade on all their products.

From Malaysia’s standpoint, we don't have a lot of Canadian and Mexican investments. And again, I want to stress that any investments from outside Malaysia have to be co-owned with Malaysian local entities.

Cogito Ergo Sum: Neither Trump nor Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim are interested in the impact of the tariffs. Trump thinks in terms of tariffs to get his way done for the Americans.

Anwar thinks in terms of Gaza and how his manoeuvres and overtures will boost his popularity amongst Malay Muslims. Not Malaysians.

Just the chosen few. While in the US, Trump has the backing of both Houses, Anwar is on crutches relying on, foolishly, a broken Umno.

Vijay47 @ Cogito Ergo Sum: The measures that Trump has imposed on Canada, Mexico, and China are expected to have a spill-over impact on smaller economies, which obviously do not include Malaysia.

We are a vibrant nation with fund reserves ample enough to bestow on Gaza. You don’t believe me? Just ask our prime minister.

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