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Umbrella man, youre a true Malaysian
Published:  Nov 13, 2007 1:49 PM
Updated: Jan 29, 2008 10:21 AM

When you said people might wonder 'who is this Chinaman behind a PAS leader', you were mistaken. You're a Malaysian - a brave, true Malaysian, that is.

On The day I helped deliver the memo to the King

IL: I'm referring to Ronald Quay who held the umbrella for Dr Syed Azman during the Bersih rally on Saturday. When you said people might wonder 'who is this Chinaman behind a PAS leader', you were mistaken. You're a Malaysian - a brave, true Malaysian, that is.

Thea Colomb: I am only a guest in your country but feel compelled to express my outrage at the attempt to prevent so many courageous Malaysian citizens from expressing their demands for free and fair elections and an end to widespread corruption. I strongly support and applaud their brave actions.

Surely, free speech and the right to peaceful assembly are among the fundamental tenets of democracy. In the five months that I have been here, it has been my observation and now, my conclusion, that democracy in present-day Malaysia is a fantasy. Shame on you, Badawi.

Francis: Congratulations on the bright idea of wearing yellow and do keep wearing it as suggested until the objective is achieved. The other sensible thing to do is to boycott the national and local papers that did not report Saturday's peaceful gathering.

On Opposition are 'pondans' - Nazri's tirade

Meng Yee: Nazri called the opposition and all those who took to the streets on Saturday to help in delivering a memorandum to the Agung as 'pondans' (sissy) for exercising their right as Malaysians to insist on free and fair elections. In fact, if the media were not a tool of the government, 40,000 people would not have to take to the streets.

To my mind and the 40,000 who took to the streets, the real 'pondans' are the Barisan Nasional leaders for hiding behind the muzzled press and tamed police, cowering behind the ACA and tainted judiciary. I suggest the Barisan Nasional leaders try being in the opposition for a season, and see how muted one is as the local media gives no time or space for anyone outside the government. It has been like this especially in the last 20 years and the only way is for the Barisan Nasional party to become an opposition party.

Try it, perhaps you would enjoy it.

On Police reject Bersih's application for rally permit

Ahmad Kamal: Johari Baharom's announcement of the no-permit for right to assembly is certainly not something we should be surprised about. The police, although under civilian authority, are made subservient to their political masters rather than the principles of liberty.

A march is a march, is a march I say.

On 'Go apply for citizenship in Singapore'

HL Too: Here we go again. Another Malay ultra from Umno telling people to get out of the country. It is quite useless for the prime minister and his BN cohorts to keep talking about racial unity and harmony. Non-Malays in this country have to live with being told on a regular basis to (a) leave the country and/or (b) to face another 'pogrom' similar to that of May 13.

On Umno's keris is here to stay

Regina Lim: I am truly amazed at how an education minister would use the dagger as a symbol of unity. If that is the heritage of Malay unity and power then how would they feel if the indigenous people of Sabah and Sarawak start to bang on about their historical prowess in head-hunting?

It is absolutely distasteful that Hishammuddin should wave the keris again in the Umno AGM and aside from anything, waving a dagger is not an ethical thing to do in this day and age. The waving of the keris symbolises nothing but emptiness in the form and content of the Umno Youth political movement.

On MIC retracts ban on Deepavali events

K.Praba: When I first read Malaysiakini breaking news that our senior minister S Samy Vellu announced all Deepavali (Festival Of Lights - but for now, we are in darkness ) open house by the MIC MPs and state assemblypersons to be called off, I was proud and I'm sure every Indian felt the same. I immediately called my friends to say that the MIC had made a decision - finally each and every Indian in the country will stand together to protest and fight for our rights.

Well, after I went through the updated news, I'm totally saddened with what the leadership of MIC have done. MIC have let down every Indians in the country. To say that Hindus have requested for the functions to continue is a illogical reason. Umno will be having their AGM on Deepavali and MIC should have stand by their decision to call off all open house.

On MIC boss to write to Najib over row

YSM: MIC, a member of the ruling coalition, said the PPP is worse than PAS. I think if PPP wishes to continue fighting for a voice and for all Malaysians, they should leave the BN now. After all, that was the challenge thrown to them by senior members of Umno. Leave now, don't wait till the general elections.

M Kayveas and Dr Koh Tsu Khoon lead political parties that are square pegs trying to fit into a round racial hole. They are isolated because they are non-raced based. The BN's formula for success all these while has been based on race. The more polarise the communities, the better as there is then a need for each race-based representative within the BN government.

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