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'Repent, you shameful man'
Published:  Jul 10, 2008 8:46 AM
Updated: 4:20 AM

vox populi big thumbnail ‘The Kinabatangan MP says that it was not rude to make such a gesture (as he did) so shall I suggest to all the readers to give him the gesture when we see him?’

On Kinabatangan MP: Yes, I did it but...

Panap Nobi: I really do not understand the focus of the media. Here we are condemning this faraway land creature and on the other hand, we are giving him all the unnecessary focus, air time and publicity.

This publicity-seeking God-knows-what will certainly dance to the media’s publicity tune not unlike a street performance where a monkey dances to some music and the crowd throws some coins.

What do you expect from a nobody seeking cheap publicity? And here the media is giving him just what he wants.

To stop his nonsense, please ensure we do not see or hear him because we Malaysians are not amused by his cheap and tasteless stunts. If simple folks like us can see through him, I wonder why experienced editors cannot.

Sabahan: This clown is an insult not only to all parliamentarians, but to all Malaysians and especially Sabahans.

He thinks that the Parliament is a coffee shop where he can use vulgar language and gestures and crack vulgar jokes to amuse his like-minded fellow parliamentarians from the Barisan Nasional.

His behaviour is not surprising coming from a constituency which is very susceptible to vote-buying.

For the information of readers, in the whole of the Kinabatangan constituency, there is only one small township which consists of a few shops.

Most of the voters are poor natives eking out an existence by farming small plots of land or working in plantations in the area.

Telling lies is, of course, second nature to him, and he is further encouraged by our PM telling lies and not apologising for them.

I am sure when he returns to his constituency, he takes great delight in telling his people his tales from the Malaysian Parliament

Peter Ooi: Looks like the Parliament is turning into a zoo. Maybe Bung Mokhtar Radin really did not mean what is interpreted by the onlookers. I would forgive him if he did not mean ill with his obscene gesture.

But would the majority of those who see the video take it lightly especially when some of them are of school-going age? They would be rather shocked than amused this coming from a YB.

They know that these type of obscene gestures and remarks are commonly made by trishaw- pullers, fishmongers and pimps. They must be left wondering and dazed that these undesirable acts could find its way into our august hall.

In England, if a football player displayed such unsightly antics, all hell would break loose. Such stupid behaviour is never tolerated especially in full view of the public. Definitely the culprit would not get away without severe punishment.

Now that Bung Mokhtar has owned up to his act, let us see what action Pak Lah is going to take. Reprimanding him is not enough because this is not the first time he is up to this sort of objectionable behavior.

Dhammika: This MP has done the dirty sign one to many times. He has offended Malaysians and disciplinary action must be taken against him.

What will the younger generation think? His gesture is unbecoming and he is not ashamed that his family watches him doing this action. He is not fit to be an MP.

I don’t understand how his constituents elected him. Being deputy chairperson of the Backbenchers Club, he should be sacked for bringing shame onto the organisation.

He is behaviour can be likened to those in the secret societies. If he joins them, he will be a leader for them. This lewd sign is disgusting and against our culture.

Kiv T: Surely a lot of Malaysians have made this gesture before when we were a very young with very little education.

These are the things people with very little education do but to do this in Parliament during a live telecast is a true disgrace to Malaysia and the people of Malaysia.

I was watching the proceedings and the moment I saw what he did, I was so shocked. I sincerely feel MPs like Bung Mokhtar Radin are not qualified to be they are is today.

I don't know what education level he has but with his behaviour in Parliament one can conclude that he is not well-educated.

He says that it was not rude to make such a gesture so shall I suggest to all the readers to give him the gesture when we see him?

Again, we will not do such a thing because we have more class and are much better-educated than MP Bung Mokhtar Radin.

I have been watching the live telecasts almost everyday and MP Bung Mokhtar Radin is one of those BN MP that are there not to get things done but to pick on the opposition. What a waste of time and rakyat 's money!

Meng: The Kinabatangan MP has a peculiar habit. He beats the back of his own hand when he gets angry.

There’s a better way to show your frustration and many Malaysians would rather you slap yourself hard on the cheek.

That way there is no mistaking a rude gesture that is more becoming of a labourer or an uneducated person.

Once again, you can talk yourself out of this, but we all know what you meant and you are foolish to deny it.

You are a good reminder why the BN is yesterday’s news and why we should continue the punishment beyond the March 8 polls.

A Concerned Citizen: Bung Mokhtar, what you did in Parliament is obscene. What you did after that in denying what you did is even more obscene.

In the first instance you showed yourself to be uncouth. In the second you showed yourself to be dishonest.

Repent, you shameful man.

On Sapp sec-gen: We stand firm

Joe Fernandez: It's no use harping on the historical window of opportunity opened up by the March 8 general election results without doing something about it.

There are no permanent friends and no permanent enemies in politics, only permanent interests.

The MPs in Malaysian Borneo should neither be with the BN nor the Pakatan Rakyat. If the MPs in Malaysian Borneo leave BN and join PR, it's like going from the frying pan (BN) into the fire (PR). It's like the slave running away from one master and embracing another master.

Instead, they should form a Third Force in Malaysian politics along with the Indian (think Hindraf) and Orang Asli communities and in coalition with moderate Malay and Chinese MPs in Peninsular Malaysia.

If the Third Force cannot come to power on their own at the federal level, they should support either Pakatan or BN to form the federal government for just two terms. The support should not be unconditional.

We need to have a change of government at the federal level every two terms.

It's pointless talking about Sabah and Sarawak issues unless MPs from Malaysian Borneo have a proper share of the federal government. Nobody is just simply going to hand over this share to you on a silver platter. Power is something for you to take.

This is where you can separate the men from the boys. However, many MPs in Malaysian Borneo prefer the known devil (BN) rather than the unknown angel (PR).

So, the MPs in Malaysian Borneo appear caught between the devil (staying in BN) and the deep blue sea (quitting the coalition).

On Family loses battle in 'body snatching' dispute

Dian Abdullah: There are some extremists who believe or were taught that they could go straight to Heaven if they were able to convert people to Islam during their life times. The more you convert the better your chances are.

For the past three years now, there has been a trend in these kind of conversions. I honestly do not believe the decrease in the above case converted, but certain people are definitely going around doing this so that they can go straight to Heaven.

Dead or alive we are tied up in knots.

On Wee to Khairy: Sue me

Aaron Yap: So what is your next action, Khairy Jamaluddin now that Wee Choo Keong has upped the ante by challenging you to sue him since he had uttered the same remark outside of Parliament.

Please don’t be a coward and show us your next action so that we Malaysians can really see the real qualities of the future PM-in-waiting.

On Quran swearing: 'The innocent have no fear...

Concerned Citizen: The only way Anwar and Najib can clear their name is by taking a lie detector test.

The polygraph is a time tested method of determining if a person who is accused of crime or wrongdoing is innocent.

To clear all insinuations and rumours both must take a polygraph test in the presence of their respective lawyers.

Otherwise, the Malaysian public will only presume them to be guilty as people do sometimes consider rumours to have some basis of truth. As the saying goes ‘there will be no smoke without fire’.

Malaysian people want to put to rest the whole episode as it is distracting the nation from other pertinent issues which should be attended to such as inflation, food shortages and price increase of all necessities because of the price increase of oil.

Time to put an end to the whole episode of allegations, counter-allegations and politicking which is bad for the nation.

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