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I refer to letter Blaming the Muslims again .

Dr Asthma refers to the letter Killing of Korean won't help Islam's image as in 'poor taste, ill-informed and vexing' to say the least. I find it amusing that it is Dr Asthma's letter that is poor taste and most importantly, ill-informed.

The Korean Christian group are there purely for charity work and are not missionary. They are there to help regardless of religion background or race. As to the question on why are they not in North Korea or China, didn't Dr Asthma know South Koreans are not allowed to enter North Korea?

And why not China? But they were already there a long time ago, whenever there was a need for help. For the 'ill-informed', these Korean groups have been all over the world offering help without any front-page publicity.

Does Dr Asthma knows that similar Korean groups are already doing charity work for the Orang Asli in Malaysia several times a year? They cut their hair, bring them gifts, and even bring along a dentist for free treatment.

Shame on you, Dr Asthma, for not showing any sympathy at all to for this group of good Koreans. Ask yourself, have you done any charity work before? Charity begins at home.

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