YOURSAY | ‘ Trust has been broken. Our leader is no longer credible. He spins too much.’
Analysts: Tough for Najib to explain RM2.6b issue tomorrow
Odin Tajué:
Of course, PM Najib Razak won't make any serious attempts at answering the questions on the money allegedly found in his bank accounts.
It is impossible for him to provide any answers that will be convincing. The US$700 million (RM2.6 billion) was definitely not a donation.
When you donate, you give away something for nothing - not for any favours previously received nor in anticipation of them.
It is also impossible for him to provide a convincing answer for the RM42 million transferred by SRC International into his personal bank account.
As for you, Prof Dr Ahmad Atory Hussain, expecting Najib to be honest and transparent is like hoping for the Ku Klux Klan to love the blacks with all their hearts, minds and souls.
Mushiro: When Najib has systematically destroyed all the on-going investigations into 1MDB, the questions in Parliament are something that he is least worried about.
1MDB’s RM42 billion debt and the RM2.6 billion ‘donation’ will not be explained by Najib, it is something that the people will have to keep digging until the bare facts are exposed.
Scandalcountry: Najib has not given an answer in the last five months, so how can he be expected to provide us with credible answers now?
If he was innocent, the answer would have been given immediately and not now after it having gone through so many different versions.
Nevertheless, he must first explain:
1) the sacking of attorney-general Abdul Gani Patail
2) ‘disbanding’ of the Public Accounts Committee (PAC)
3) the attempted transfer of Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) officers
4) the aborted deportation of task force officer Jessica Gurmeet Kaur and the arrests related to 1MDB
5) the alleged charge sheet
An innocent man will not be this desperate to do all the above. Who will believe him now?
Unafraid: Indeed, trust has been broken. Our leader is no longer credible. He spins too much.
Moreover, a lot of his decisions over the transfers and sackings of the investigators/whistleblowers certainly smack of covering up big time.
Anyone with even two neurons in their brain can sense that.
Worldly Wise: I have more questions. How can Najib say that he did not use the RM2.6 billion for himself? Why did he deposit it in his own personal bank account?
Who gave the 'donor' his personal account particulars? Why is the money no longer in his account? Where is the money now?
Does this mean that all persons in high office can get donations deposited into their personal accounts? Will they not be asked to account for them?
We're tearing up the party, rues Umno leader
Ipohcrite: "We are no longer aggressively attacking the opposition," so said Cheras Umno chief Syed Ali Alhabshee.
By his own admission, this Umno warlord sums up what Umno is preoccupied with; instead of faithfully serving the rakyat as they so often claim, they are prioritising their time and efforts to undermine the opposition.
Anonymous_3e06: Umno did this to others, now it is happening to itself. The greed of the few is more important than the party that seeks to protect Islam and Malays.
Kuasa Rakyat: This is happening to Umno because it has equated the party with one man.
I don't understand how Umno members can allow this. Until he is removed, forget about Umno being strong again. And yes, some of his goons should be removed as well.
RCZ: We applaud that Umno is being torn up. Haven't you all realised that it is because of massive corruption and one man? Maybe a fat boy and some Arabs, too.
As most of you want to protect this one man and his billions - and hope to get some of it - please fight to the death.
Anonymous #40538199: When their sole purpose is 'cari makan' and political donations can end up in personal accounts, they will be at each other's throats.
Tholu: Syed Ali, would only a homogenous Malay party guarantee protection to the Malay race and Islam?
Aren’t the Penang and Selangor states good examples that the Malays and Islam can enjoy protection even under multiracial coalition parties and governments?
And your hope that there are no parasites in Umno made me roll on the floor with laughter. Are you so naive as to not realise that some Malays in Umno joined the party for the sole objective to financially enrich themselves?
Anon1: Of course, the party will be torn up when a bumbling glutton takes all the cake and leaves nothing for the vultures. Not even bones.
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