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You are not being fair to me - Najib walks out of Al Jazeera interview
Published:  Oct 27, 2018 1:50 PM
Updated: 7:46 AM

Former prime minister Najib Adul Razak walked out of an Al Jazeera interview after being asked to address a slew of allegations against him.

Interviewer Mary Ann Jolley had asked Najib to address various allegations, ranging from 1MDB, the pink diamond for his wife Rosmah Mansor to the murders of Altantuyaa Shaaribu, Hussain Najadi and Kevin Morais.

A visibly irritated Najib eventually asked Jolley to move on to questions about the economy, but when she did not, Najib stood up and threatened to walk out.

"Can we go to the economy? We have spent too much time, otherwise, I'm going to walk out – no more, no more, please no more.

"That's it, I'm done," he said as he stood up. "If you want to talk about the economy, I will sit down."

When Jolley insisted on continuing, Najib, who was standing, raised his voice and lashed out at her.

"Come on, you are not being fair to me... Look, I've done my part and I'm not going to stand anymore for this," he said.

Finally, Jolley agreed to talk about Najib's legacy and the former prime minister then took his seat again.

Najib then talked about the economic performance of Malaysia, but when asked what he thought about 1MDB "staining" his legacy, he said, "I wish there was no 1MDB issue."

When Jolley then asked about fugitive financier Low Taek Jho, Najib finally decided to walk. "Why are you coming back to Jho Low?" he said.

As Najib was standing, Jolley asked what he thought about Low evading arrest over 1MDB but he himself facing the law.

"You have to ask him, why are you asking me, I am not in touch with him anymore," he said as he walked away.

As Jolley continued to press Najib on the last time he met Low, he refused to take further questions and left.

In a statement teasing the interview yesterday, Al Jazeera said Najib had lost his cool, but did not reveal that the former prime minister walked out of the interview.

Najib subsequently apologised for losing his cool, and promised to accept any request from Al Jazeera for another interview.


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