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Ramkarpal: Azmin very wrong to continue working with PAS
Published:  Sep 10, 2015 11:53 AM
Updated: Sep 11, 2015 5:49 AM

Selangor Menteri Besar Azmin Ali is ill-advised to say he will continue working with PAS and its president Abdul Hadi Awang, who was responsible in breaking-up Pakatan Rakyat in the first place.

Bukit Gelugor MP Ramkarpal Singh said today Hadi's action had not only created controversy with the DAP but also led PAS leaders to quit the party and form Parti Amanah Negara led by Hadi's former deputy Mohamad Sabu.

He said PAS under Hadi cannot be reconciled as the latter's stance is seen to oppose PKR in the battle against Umno and BN.

Such a stand as taken by Hadi is capable of sending the wrong signals to the rakyat who voted for Pakatan Rakyat which included PAS in the last general elections as they were led to believe that PAS was committed to the Pakatan cause.

“Azmin cannot blow hot and cold at the same time. PAS had severed ties with the DAP in no uncertain terms. There can be no question of working with PAS as common sense would dictate there no longer exists a working relationship between the two.

“As MB, Azmin should display maturity in addressing this very fragile issue rather than dismissing the genuine concerns of the likes of DAP secretary-general Lim Guan Eng and Kulai MP Teo Nie Ching,” he said in a statement.

Ramkarpal (photo) said the two had every right, as representatives of the rakyat, to question Azmin of his said stance.

Relationship irreconcilable

He added the Selangor MB should also consider the harsh realities of working with PAS which will, very likely, contest against the DAP and PKR in three- cornered fights in the next general election.

“Surely, it would be hypocritical to back PAS in such circumstances.

“In the circumstances, I urge Azmin to definitively state if PKR is committed to working with PAS in the event a new opposition coalition is formed, in which case, there would be an urgent need to reconsider the members of the said new coalition,” said the Batu Gelugor MP.

Ramkarpal said DAP's relationship with PAS was now irreconcilable and this was very much a reality which Azmin and PKR must accept.

“Azmin must decide which of the two he chooses to work with in the future as it is clear that there cannot be a realistic alliance between PAS and DAP any longer,” said the son of the late 'Lion of Penang' Karpal Singh.

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